Ihuddled into Creeper as I sat on his lap, drawing in his charred scent.

“You guys are different today,” Hadley pointed out from her seat on the far side. Diane and Xander had switched to be in Wayne’s car so Chum could be with me as well. And clearly Diane wanted to stay with Xander, so Hadley had swapped.

“How so?” I said quickly, praying she couldn’t tell what had happened. I’d tell her, eventually. At least it wasn’t Diane in the car with me, she would’ve figured it out with some telepathy.

“Dunno, can’t put my finger on it,” she said as she tapped a finger on her lip and then shrugged.

“Wayne and I noticed some light coming from your room last night, what were you guys doing?” Paris asked as she glanced back at us.

“Couldn’t sleep so we had the lights on and were playing games,” I said quickly, hoping she didn’t ask what games.

“Right,” Paris said, although I knew she didn’t believe me at all.

Creeper smirked as Chum looked over at me knowingly, and I prayed my cheeks weren’t flushing as I watched Hadley check her phone as it vibrated.

My heart sank as I spotted Connor’s name as the caller, and she ended the call.

“Everything okay there?” I asked softly, and she gave me a sad smile.

“I called him last night and ended things. He’s sent texts to this phone now, wants to know why I have a different number, what’s going on. I was planning to just ghost him since I had to toss my phone, but I felt guilty,” she admitted as she rested the phone in her lap.

“You should block him completely, calling him was a bad idea. If they find out about him, they could try to track that number,” Miss Sage said sharply.

“I know, I just…” Hadley chewed her lip as the phone vibrated again.

“Perhaps you should get rid of that phone too?” Miss Sage suggested.

“You think so?” Hadley chewed her lip uneasily.

“Say your last goodbyes to him and get rid of it,” Miss Sage instructed, and even Paris glanced back with a sympathetic look.

“I know,” Hadley said with a heavy sigh, but I couldn’t help it as I reached out and held her arm.

“I’m sorry,” I murmured, but she just gave me a forced smile.

“Don’t be, these things happen. I knew it wouldn’t last,” she said, but I could see the hurt in those soft brown eyes. This was crushing her. As if she needed this pain on top of everything else right now. I wanted to pull her into my arms and fix it all, grant her a life free from all this demonic shit so she could be with him.

“It’s okay, really,” she said, but I knew she was saying it more for her own benefit than mine as she typed up a text.

I fell quiet as she took her time wording it, but before she hit send, she paused.

“Does this sound okay?” she asked hesitantly as she turned the phone my way.

My heart broke as I read her apology, about how she just wasn’t feeling things anymore and she hated hurting his feelings. How she knew he’d make someone else happy and that she could no longer respond to his messages or calls. That he needed to move on.

“It’s good,” I murmured, even though I knew it was all a lie. It was clear as day that she still felt for him.

“Okay, good,” she said with a bob of her head as she sent it. She drew in a deep breath as she then blocked him and rolled the window down. She sniffled and shook her head as she hurled the phone out the window, and I saw a piece of her break as she put it back up and leaned against the window.

“Everything will be okay,” I tried to reassure her, but she just nodded as she tried to hide her emotions.

“It’s for the best, Hadley. We’re not like them,” Miss Sage spoke up. “Trust me, I know exactly what you’re feeling. I’ve been there too.”

“Really?” Hadley sniffled as she wiped at her eyes.

“Yes, it just happened, back when I was around your age too. Except I learned the hard way how risky it was,” Miss Sage said, her voice dropping low as her jaw set.