“You two want to take him? I’ll keep looking for others?” Gabriel said quietly as a code was called over the speakers.

Jack nodded, and we parted ways. Jack took the lead, and I slunk after him to the room we’d seen the demon slip into.

‘Hold him down and I’ll exorcize him,’Jack said mentally, I nodded silently as we paused at the doorway.

I waited until no one else was in the hallway before I slipped into the room, grateful to find it was a storage room with only one other staff member. A person I immediately sensed as another demon.


Jack followed after me, and growls rose up within us as the two demons spun around, their eyes flooding black as they cursed us.

I shot forward, intent to pin one down and pray we could exorcize them quickly.

But as soon as my hand closed around his shoulder, a strange power surged through me, and I felt my connection with Lily spark to life.

A warmth flooded through me, one of light and purity, something so profound it had me frozen in place as the demon in my grip gasped, his eyes lighting up as the demon inside him was burned away, banished back to hell with the power of angel grace.

Jack latched onto the other demon inhabiting a nurse, and his eyes lit up golden white as I felt the same power flood through him.

“What the hell?” Jack muttered as the nurse slumped to the floor, completely unconscious.

The doctor I’d held had already collapsed, and I’d laid him down gently, making sure he still had a pulse. They wouldn’t remember any of this thankfully.

Jack checked the nurse before looking at me in shock.

“Did we just…” he let the sentence trail off as I just nodded. We both already knew it to be true. We’d exorcized them just by touch. And we both knew we had Lily to thank for that. Her power had now become a part of us.

It would definitely make this easier for us.

I managed a small smile as Jack gave a sharp, shocked laugh and shook his head.

“She’s really changed us,” he murmured as he moved the doctor and nurse into comfortable positions. I did vaguely wonder what they’d think when they woke up. How long had they been possessed? Some people retained their memories of the events that took place while possessed, but somehow, a part of me knew they wouldn’t due to the angel grace exorcism. They’d be relieved of that traumatic memory. Then again, waking up with no recollection of the past few days or weeks would be unnerving too, but not as much as knowing a demon had been using them as a meat-suit.

I rose with Jack, and we left the pair to go find Gabriel and finish this mission.

My mind moved to Lily and just how much had changed. How she’d saved the world and evolved, altering us as well. We were so much stronger now, and I wouldn’t pretend like learning to fly hadn’t been one of the most exhilarating things I’d ever felt. Apart from being with Lily, she would always come first as the greatest thing in my life.

“Focus,” Jack stated, and I shoved all thoughts from my mind bar the mission.

We made our way to Gabriel, finding one more demon which Jack exorcized easily with his grace. How many could we do before we became depleted like Lily had? She’d done the cluster of them and gotten drained, but that had also been while finding every demon she could nearly worldwide.

We drew up short as we came to a particular ward, and my stomach twisted as we stood at the doorway.

Gabriel stood inside the room, each hospital bed occupied by a young child.

Thankfully, all of them appeared to be sleeping while Gabriel stood by the furthermost one next to the window.

Jack gazed at the children, and one proper look made me realize exactly where we were.

A cancer ward.

I swallowed down my unease as I followed Jack over to Gabriel.

“You took out three, good job. I found one other before finding the last one here. Possessing this young boy.” Gabriel’s voice was unforgiving as he stared down at the sleeping boy, his skin pasty and his head bald. “Hiding inside a sick child like this…” His hand clenched at his side as he glanced around at the children. “Life can be so cruel on the young sometimes.”

“Are there any more?” Jack asked softly as he shifted uneasily. Neither of us liked hospitals, and this particular ward made me uneasy. I felt sorry for the children here.

“No, that’s all of them. The sickness is already lifting from the residents here. I would like to offer one last miracle though.” Gabriel relaxed, a small smile appearing on his lips as he touched the boy’s head. “I want to give these children a proper chance at life.”

I remained silent, finding newfound respect as I watched Gabriel move around the room, being careful not to wake any of the children as he healed them.

Perhaps we could trust Gabriel. He really did have only the best interests of the world at heart.

Jack gave me a knowing look, and I nodded.

We’d help both him and Michael then. Both for Lily, and because it was the right thing to do.