Inestled into my mother’s side, savoring the soft strokes of my hair as we watched yet another Disney movie with a bowl of popcorn to share.

“I wish I could be a princess,” I declared, no older than seven.

My mother just chuckled as she ruffled my hair.

“You are a princess, Lily. A very special one. You’ll see that one day,” she said sweetly.

“Will I meet a Prince?” I asked excitedly as I bounced off the couch, and her smile softened,

“Maybe, I’d like it if you did.” Her voice was soft, but I didn’t register the bittersweet tone as I hopped around the room.

“Maybe I’ll get saved from a castle, or see a dragon, or… or have to kiss a frog!” I laughed, and she just chuckled with me.

“Your life will certainly be an adventure, that’s for sure. Something far greater than most would ever have,” she said, but I was too busy wondering about princess dresses and tiaras to really take in her words.

* * *

I stirred, the dream fading away despite my desperate attempts to claw for it, to relive that precious moment in time for a little longer. I’d forgotten all about it, just another memory from long ago. But even then, my mother had hinted at who I was and the life I’d have.

“Have a good sleep?” Chum asked, and I rolled over to find him playing on his switch. Right, we’d gotten back from Heaven, hung out until my headache had lifted, then done some more studies. Now that demonics weren’t solely meant to hunt demons, our teachers were starting to offer normal classes. Hell, Miss Sage was even talking about driving lessons for those of us who still needed to learn, myself included.

Everything really was changing.

“Yeah, guess so,” I said when I realized Chum had paused his game to give me an odd look.

“You had a dream about your mom?” he asked. Right, I couldn’t keep anything from my men now. They were able to get inside my head. Not that it bothered me in the slightest.

“A memory actually,” I murmured as I reached out to see where the rest of my men were. Bug was in the library, working away on his book. He’d started getting right into it while he was waiting for me to awaken the past week. As for Jack and Creeper, they were still out with Gabriel.

I slipped into their minds, wanting to find out how things were going.

‘Still hunting, we’ve exorcized several dozen demons overnight,’Jack shared.

‘Think we’re using your power to do it. We can do it by touch,’Creeper stated.

That’d explain how I still felt drained today, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. Although I could also sense that they were both becoming drained too, as if they were chewing up their own reserves. They’d need time to recharge.

‘We’ll be coming back soon, one more location. Gabriel will continue going for a few more though once he brings us home,’Jack said, and relief washed over me.

I knew we had a long week ahead of us, and I intended to go back to Heaven this afternoon and help Michael once more. I was curious to see how many demons they’d handled.

Guilt gnawed at me too. I had the power to be doing more, probably one of the only ones who could, and yet I’d come back, leaving the angels and other demonics to handle it.

‘It’s not really your job, you didn’t ask for it, and you’ve done more than enough,’Jack reminded me.

I was just shocked we could still communicate since a quick check in his mind revealed they were in a completely different country. It really was like angel radio or something. Diane had said hers only worked for a certain distance, although her link with Hadley worked over vast distances because they were related.

I’d spoken with her a bit yesterday, and she’d guided me on some telepathic stuff, but she believed what I had with my men was something even deeper than a telepathic bond. I could both hear and feel them, and see more into their minds than she could with anyone.

‘Just stay safe for me, please,’I sent the pair of them, and both Creeper and Jack promised they’d do just that. They intended to come back to me as soon as they could.

In the meantime, I wanted to enjoy breakfast with Bug and Chum before diving into something I really wanted to do.

“You sure you can do it?” Chum asked as he slid off the bed.

“Yes, and I want to,” I said, offering him a smile as I moved to get dressed.