“I can see them,” I breathed, already knowing what it was I could see.

“Really?” Gabriel sounded surprised, and I smirked.

“Can you see where the angels already are? If they’re in the vicinity, they’ll be able to deal with them,” Michael said, and I frowned as I tried to focus on the angels as well.

My wings burst forth with the exertion, and I focused on my own power to ease the beginning throb in my mind.

Blue pinpricks started appearing across the country, and I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding.

“Angels are in the area of many of them. But there’s a few that I can see are strong that need to be dealt with.” I didn’t know how to explain that I could feel the strength of the demons, as if I knew which ones were the biggest threats.

“Okay, where are they? We’ll get some fighters down on the ground to exorcize them,” Michael’s voice was closer now, although I was too focused on the task at hand to know if anyone had moved around me.

“We can see it too,” Jack spoke up. “Through our link.”

“Your link?” Gabriel questioned.

“We share a telepathic link now,” Jack explained. “If you give us a map, we can mark it out altogether for Lily.”

“Wonderful.” Michael sounded overly pleased by this, and I relaxed for a moment as I opened my eyes to see him send off his glowing projection again.

“A telepathic link, that’s impressive. Bet that’ll come in mighty handy,” Gabriel whistled as he grinned at my men and I.

“Do you think you’d be okay with returning each day to give us an update on the movements of demons? That way we can get on top of this outbreak?” Michael asked as I watched the globe in my hand ripple with energy.

“Yeah, I can do that,” I said as Jack went to speak on my behalf.

He just gave me an uneasy look, but Michael was quick to assure him.

“We won’t push her, I promise,” he said. “We just want to get things back to normal.”

“I know she’s done enough already,” Gabriel added. “More than enough. But she’s the only one with this ability.”

Jack just sighed, and I got back to the task and Michael’s copy returned with a few other angels and several maps. I could only assume it was close-ups of the country, and I got to work seeing it once more in my mind. My men jumped into gear, marking out all the pinpricks on the maps for them, and I could hear them switching colors around and highlighting those I felt were the deadliest.

We spent some time doing this, more maps coming in for other countries as I surveyed the globe, feeling all the angels and demons spread out. The strain was becoming obvious though as the ache in my head became painful, and I gritted my teeth.

“She’s had enough now?” Creeper spoke up, his voice a low growl.

“It’s hurting her now,” Jack added when Gabriel went to argue.

“Hang on,” I mumbled. Something inside me was stirring, and a strange knowing washed over me. I focused on one cluster of demons in Australia, holed up in a small town along the eastern coastline. Weak demons, but they were causing havoc in the town they were in. The familiar calm washed over me, and my power built up inside me as I zoomed in on the odd map inside my mind, a scene opening up to reveal the demons having a party in a large home. They’d possessed the entire family and friends, and had tied up the remaining people and were about to begin torturing.

I vaguely heard Jack relaying it to Michael, and he was planning on sending some angels to deal with them, but his regiments were depleted, and he was running low on angels to send.

Not that it mattered as I reached out, my power erupting from me as I focused on them. My men let out shocked sounds, but I just watched as the demons I could see screamed, their demonic souls being exorcized from the various innocent civilians. I watched as the shadowy smoke exploded from their mouths and burned up instantly, being banished back to Hell.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Gabriel said, amazement evident in his tone.

I groaned as the throb in my head grew, but I waited until I saw an angel enter the home to deal with the now stunned and confused civilians that I’d exorcized before I withdrew from the scene.

I opened my eyes, blinking through the pain in my temple.

“That’s as much as I can do for today,” I groaned as I offered the globe back to Gabriel.

“Of course, you’ve done more than we ever thought possible,” Michael said, utterly impressed.

I looked around at the various maps strewn across all the pews, marked with locations for demons and angels, and felt a tinge of pride. I could help them finish this completely.