“Thank you, we will try to get angels dispatched to all the most dangerous ones you’ve located. If you’re up for returning tomorrow, we’d love to see an update. Or if not, maybe in a couple of days,” Michael said, quickly adding on the offer of extra days when Jack shot him a displeased look, mirrored by my other men.

“I’ll see how I’m feeling tomorrow, I’m just glad I could help,” I said as I withdrew my wings and leaned into Jack instantly. I wouldn’t have thought such a thing would drain me, but it had.

“Before you go, Lily, I hate to ask, but I guess it’s not directed at you. Jorkan, Magnus, I understand you’ve previously gone out on missions. We were wondering if you’d consider assisting some of our men on the harder missions. We could use the extra muscle for the higher-tiered demons,” Michael said carefully, and I could feel the tension in my hellhounds at the mere request.

“We also understand if you’d rather not. You’ve not had the greatest run lately with our kind, and I know you’re pissed about their treatment of Lily,” Gabriel said quickly.

“I can’t speak on behalf of my brother, but we are hesitant. How do we know we wouldn’t be paired with someone who would stab us in the back without a second thought?” Jack growled.

“All those who followed Uriel and Raphael have been reprimanded. Many are still being held for their crime,” Michael shared as he clasped his hands together.

“But we understand your concern. If you would consider aiding us, I could personally work with you, it means I could teleport us around to the strong demons with ease, and the three of us could handle the situations quickly, and exorcize demons in record time. We’d get a better handle on the situation,” Gabriel offered, although Michael arched a brow at him. “Michael can easily handle things up here without me for a few days, surely,” he added, and Michael considered it before he nodded.

“I’d rather you stay here and assist me in managing everything, but there are some higher angels I trust who could aid me in your place. But it’s up to Jorkan and Magnus,” Michael said as he focused on my two hellhounds. It’d been far too long since I’d heard their demonic names, and it sounded so alien.

‘What do you think?’Jack’s voice slipped into my mind.

‘I’m leaving the choice up to you,’Creeper added, and I could feel Chum and Bug listening in.

‘If you’re happy to help, I know it’d be beneficial. I mainly think about the people who are getting hurt,’I sent back. My main focus was on those who needed saving and exorcizing. I’d not seen a single demon that wasn’t possessing someone, which a part of me was grateful for. It seemed closing the gates of Hell had destroyed any ability to walk the earth without a vessel. Thank God.

“Okay, we’ll help,” Jack said firmly. “Only with Gabriel.”