“My pleasure,” I whispered, although my mind was focused on the pull.

I followed it down the hall, turning into what appeared to be the gymnasium.

“Well, not creepy at all,” Thomas muttered as we spied the archway in the center of the empty floor. This one was wooden, but had the same shape as the first one.

“C’mon, before the angels find us,” I said as I started for it.

Thomas hesitated, and I turned to him.

“You think I can move through the doorways with you? I know Dezikiel told me to help you, but truthfully, what am I meant to do?” he asked with a faltering smile.

“Moral support, I’m saving the fucking world,” I stated, and he snorted.

“Yeah, guess that’s a big load to carry,” he said as he blew a raspberry. “Well, how does this doorway work? Looks broken.”

“It’ll work, trust me.” I offered him my hand, and he took it without a second thought.

I let my magic flood into the archway, and Thomas sucked in a breath as the translucent magic formed before us.

Michael. I needed to get to him. I focused on him as I nodded at Thomas, and he just swallowed and bobbed his head in return. We stepped through, appearing at the edge of a lavish garden as Thomas shook himself.

“That felt weird,” he muttered as he looked over his shoulder. The archway was long gone now though.

“You think this is where Michael is?” I mused as I surveyed the garden.

“No idea, you focused on him, right?”

“Yeah,” I murmured as I started forward, following the pull inside me once more.

We weaved through the garden, and I headed down a path of hanging wisteria on archways, a strange sense of familiarity washing over me.

The pathway followed up some stone steps, and I focused on my footing as we went, a frown marring my face as the stones changed to large tiles. Tiles that looked all too familiar.


My head snapped up at the voice that I thought I’d never truly hear again. Was this actually happening? Was this possible?

“Who is that?” Thomas asked as I found myself looking up at a house I knew all too well.

My heart was in my throat as the woman stood on the patio while she looked out into the backyard, those soft green eyes landing on me.

She wore her typical floral-print summer dress, her hair done up in a messy bun as she smiled.

“Lily,” she said as her expression softened, and I could feel Thomas burning holes into me as he tried to figure out what was going on.
