“Time to go!” Thomas barked as he tugged me after him, and I shot a look back as cries rose up from inside his house.

“What about your family?” I gasped, but he didn’t falter.

“My family is alive and well on earth, that was just a memory. The angels are trying to find you, they’ll be able to track you because of what you are. You’re not a soul, and you’re not fully angelic,” Thomas hissed as we tore down the street.

We needed to find another doorway. I reached inside myself, drawing forth my angel side and focusing on it.

“Left!” I commanded as we came to a junction.

Thomas didn’t hesitate as he took off down the street with me in tow.

Wait. I had a better idea now that I was focusing on my magic.

“You trust me?” I asked as we ran.

“Of course.” He didn’t even think about it.


He cried out as I launched into him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I beat my wings.

“Jesus!” Thomas cried out as we shot into the sky, my wings beating heavily as I followed the pull within me. “You can fly.”

“Nah, the wings were just for show,” I snorted, and he chuckled as he looked down at the houses below us.

“This is amazing.”

Amazing was an understatement. It was my first time truly using my wings, and the feel of the wind ruffling my feathers and tugging at my hair, the utter freedom… it was almost enough to make me forget the task at hand.


I repositioned my hands, so that one was on his chest, the other around his waist, and he held onto my arms tight.

“Don’t drop me. This may be Heaven, but I imagine it’ll still hurt,” he said, although I could hear the amusement in his tone.

“I won’t.”

I relaxed as I let my grace guide me, soaring through the night sky with Thomas.

“We had a beautiful ceremony for you,” I said softly, just loud enough so he could hear me over the air rushing by.

“I know, I saw,” Thomas said with a sigh. “It was touching.”

“I’m glad I got to find you here.”

“Me too.”

We fell into a comfortable silence as I changed course, gliding over to a high school.

“This is where I went to school with Matty and Flynn,” he stated as I set him down out the front. “Why are we here?”

“I can feel there’s a gateway here.” I stared up at the darkened building as Thomas clucked his tongue.

“Okay, if you say so. Inside or out?” he asked as he glanced around the vacant yard out front.

“Inside.” I headed straight for the doors and pushed through, Thomas right behind me as my wings folded up on my back.

“Always wondered if a girl would ever sweep me off my feet, thanks for making sure I still got to experience that,” Thomas chuckled as he eyed the dark hall before us.