“Well, like traveling. Goals you want to do yourself. Achievements you want to reach,” I said, not sure how to explain it.

“I guess traveling could be fun,” Chumley murmured.

“We know what we are, Lily. We have a purpose already in us. We can’t change that,” Jack said softly.

“Really?” I bit my lip as I stared into those dark eyes of his, so soulful and deep.

How could they not have any other dreams or aspirations?

“But you like to study. What would you like to do with everything that you’ve learned?” I asked, looking at it from another angle.

“I don’t know, I just like studying,” Jack said as he frowned at the question.

“Bug, do you think you’d ever write your own story? You love reading,” I suggested.

He cocked his head at this, mulling over the idea.

“Do you think anyone would read it?” he asked after a moment.

“Maybe, but wouldn’t you like to do it, just for you? Share your own special story with the world?” I smiled.

Bug’s face lit up at the thought. “Maybe. I’d have to learn how to write a book. I guess that’s something I could do.”

“Great, and Chumley, you love food, have you ever done cooking?” I asked.

“No, not really. The servant things do it all,” Chumley sighed.

“Well, maybe you should try it,” I urged, before turning to Creeper. “You really enjoy the piano, you could even become a musician.”

He just frowned at this and didn’t say a word.

“And Jack, you could be a teacher yourself. You’ve been studying so much, haven’t you? Diane says you’ve studied many things and know more than any of the other students here,” I said, the words rushing out of me.

He just smiled at my suggestion, but then focused on me.

“What do you want to do?” he asked, causing me to falter and stutter.

“Um, well…” I chewed my lip. “I’m still not sure really. I honestly never thought I could have a normal future, being crazy and all. Now I know the truth, and, well, I’m still not sure,” I admitted.

“Well, if you really want us to find other things to enjoy, other things that are a kind of purpose as well, then we’ll try, as long as you do too,” Jack said reassuringly.

“We should let you shower though, Hadley said game night would start an hour after dinner, and you said you wanted to shower and get ready first,” Chumley reminded me as he stood from the chair.

“Right, you get ready. One of us will come grab you,” Jack said as he climbed up from the floor.

“Okay,” I said with a nod as Bug and Creeper both rose.

They headed off, and I pulled myself off the floor, eyeing the boxes and suitcase.

Might as well unpack first.

I moved everything from my suitcase into the closet, and emptied out my boxes, finishing the leftover half of my chocolate bar as I moved my few books and items to my desk and bookcase.

Once I was all unpacked, I sat on my bed for a moment, smiling as I took in the incredible room.

Today had been one hell of a day.

But strangely, it all felt right. A lot of my questions had been answered as best they could be, and I knew I’d find out everything else soon enough.