“Why are birthdays such a big deal?” Creeper asked as we sat on the floor in my room.
Jack was leaning against the foot of the bed beside me, and I had my legs stretched out.
Creeper and Bug sat across from us, and Chumley sat on the chair at my desk.
“Do you guys understand them?” I asked the other three.
“I’ve read about them, people celebrate the birth of a person, showering them with gifts and attention, and cake. Depending on where you’re from, the tradition varies,” Jack mused.
“It’s to show how they’re important to you and that you care for them, and were grateful they were born,” Bug added.
“I’m still learning, apparently. These two understand it more,” Chumley admitted.
Creeper was just listening to their thoughts and taking it all in.
“That’s pretty much it. Celebrating their life.” I nodded.
“Why gifts though? What’s the reasoning behind it?” Creeper asked, clearly confused.
“Honestly, I’m not sure. It’s just what’s always been done,” I said with a shrug.
Creeper just pursed his lips at this.
“We’re learning how to better celebrate them. We’ve watched all the others on their birthdays over the years, getting an understanding of it all,” Jack said.
“You guys don’t have birthdays?” I frowned at him.
He just shrugged.
“Wait, how old are you all?” I asked.
“Four,” Chumley stated.
I just stared at him like he’d grown a second head.
“You can’t be four,” I snorted. “Not really.”
“We came into being four years ago roughly. So we’re four,” Creeper said matter-of-factly.
“And you were like this?” I asked, waving at them in general.
“Right. People are born as infants. No. We were like this from the beginning. Dezikiel thinks we age though, and when we came into being, we were younger. Sixteen he thinks,” Bug informed me.
“So, in a way, you guys are all about twenty now,” I said, frowning at the weirdness of that. It was such a strange concept, that they were grown but technically four.
“I guess so.” Bug shrugged.
“When we came into being, we were more hellhound than human. But we were capable of shifting, something I think was programmed into us for better use to you,” Jack said, lolling his head to the side to look at me.
“Is that really your purpose? To protect me?” I asked softly.
“It’s why we were created,” Creeper said gruffly.
“Yeah, but don’t you guys have things you want to do?” I asked as I pulled my legs up to hug them.
“Like what?” Chumley asked, clearly confused.