“Dezikiel enlightened me, and now I think I’m starting to understand these emotion things more. I know what they mean,” he said slowly.

“That’s good,” I murmured, then frowned. “Was it in a white place?”

“Yeah, and I suddenly just learned things, felt things properly and knew what they were,” he said with a small nod.

So Dezikiel enlightened me to help me come to terms with the truth of angelics and demonics. That made sense. He hadn’t called it enlightening, but I guessed that was what it would’ve been called.

“What do you look like, as hellhounds?” I asked. I’d been wondering about it for a while now, and the wolf on my bracelet had me curious.

“Like big black wolves, although it depends how far we shift. We have the main stage, our true hellhound state, where we look like giant wolves with horns and red eyes, or there’s the other form. Paris said we look like werewolves, like a man crossed with a wolf, but more wolf-like, with horns still. We call it our half-shift,” he explained.

I pictured them like he described, wondering if I’d ever be privy to seeing them in such states. They didn’t seem too scary really if they were just big wolves with horns.

“What kind of horns?” I asked as I cocked my head at him, imagining horned wolves. It was a bizarre image to picture.

“Like these.”

I gaped as two horns sprouted from his temples, pushing through his skin with ease, no blood being spilt. They angled backwards over his head, lengthening until they were about a foot long.

“Kudu horns are what they most resemble, it’s an antelope in Africa. That’s what Bug told me,” Creeper said as he ducked his head so I could inspect them closely. “You can touch them if you want,” he murmured, noting how I hesitantly reached out.

I caught my breath as I gingerly touched the black, spiraled horns. They were strangely warm to the touch, and perfectly smooth.

“We each have different horns. Jack has hooked horns, so they’re straight but curl back at the end, Chumley has curled horns, like a ram, and Bug has two pronged horns, apparently like a pronghorn,” Creeper said as I ran my hands up the length of the horns, utterly blown away.

Not to mention this was the most he’d spoken to me.

“Does it hurt?” I asked as I pulled away.

He just frowned at me in confusion.

“When they come out, does it hurt? Does the shift hurt?” I clarified.

“A little, I guess. But it’s just normal to us. Your whole body is changing,” he shrugged before giving me a small smirk which made my stomach flip.

“Anyway, I was actually coming to see if you were doing anything, I didn’t mean to wake you, but you looked like you were having a bad dream,” Creeper said, changing the topic as his horns slowly receded.

I just watched in utter amazement as they disappeared into his head, leaving not even a mark on his forehead. Incredible.

He looked rather shy as he noticed me staring.

Honestly, this was the most emotion I’d seen him show. Maybe the enlightening really did help a lot.

“Uh, yeah. Just a weird dream, it’s nothing,” I said, but my mind jumped back to it. It felt so real at the time, and I remembered it so clearly, which was unlike my usual dreams.

And I had a remarkable destiny apparently. The man had also called me his daughter.

“Would you like to come to the music room with me, I was going to see how my piano skills were now that I’m feeling more… alive, I guess. Yeah, those are good words for it,” he smiled sheepishly.

“Sure,” I nodded, although my mind was stuck on the dream as I rose from the bed with him and followed him to the door.

There was no way that man was actually my father.

Was there?

I sat on the black cushioned armchair, smiling as the sweet, rich tone of the piano filled the air.

He’d told me it was ‘Yesterday’ by ‘The Beatles’, a song he’d learned about a year ago.