I watched as his hands glided over the ivory keys. He looked so at ease and content as he played, and he moved with such fluidity that it left me stunned.

How could the monster that had wandered the streets with me have such talent?

I’d snuggled into the chair as I listened, the soft glow from the wall lights the only thing lighting us up now that night had fallen.

His fingers danced over the keys, and I watched him, completely mesmerized by his skill. He was softly smiling, completely swept up in the moment, and I couldn’t help but just watch, completely stunned.

The song ended, and he looked over with pride as I gave him a small applause.

“That was beautiful. I haven’t really heard anyone play piano. Not live anyway,” I stated as he slid off the stool and strode over to sit in the armchair next to me.

“You love music, why didn’t you ever play an instrument?” he asked, genuinely curious.

“No time, not with work and general living. I was too stressed about staying afloat that finding time to just pick up an instrument and learn wasn’t easy. Nor could I afford instructors. I mean, I know there’s youtube tutorials, I guess,” I murmured, pursing my lips.

“If you had the time, what would you learn?” he asked as he glanced around at all the instruments in the room.

“The flute,” I said after only a moment. I loved the beautiful melody of the flute, it always made me think of a peaceful forest, serene and perfect.

“Well, maybe you can learn while you’re here. Dezikiel is a good music instructor, he can play most instruments,” Creeper smiled.

“You know, I never thought you would talk this much to me, let alone smile as much,” I chuckled.

He gave a dry chuckle as he looked down with a half smile.

“You’re the only one I’m really interested in talking to. And smiling, well, sometimes it’d happen, but I couldn’t force it. It seems to be coming more naturally now though,” he said, those dark eyes catching mine once more.

“Hey, thought I might find you guys here.”

I looked over at the doorway to find Jack smiling at us.

“Dinner will be ready shortly, we’re all heading to the dining hall,” he informed us before swiftly leaving as quick as he’d appeared.

“Wonder what’s on the menu,” Creeper mused as he stood up and offered me his hand.

I accepted, my stomach fluttering at his incredibly warm hand in mine.

He frowned at me for a moment with a quizzical look, then shook his head. Could he feel the same spark between us? Or was he able to sense that he made me feel funny in a good way? Oh God, I hoped not.

Then he just turned, releasing my hand and heading for the door with me in tow.

I sat down next to Jack, with Creeper taking his seat on the other side of me. Hadley and Diane were there already, along with Wayne, Paris, and my other hellhounds.

“Having a good birthday? Normally we’d do something bigger for it, but since it’s your first day here, we’re meant to hold off,” Diane said from her seat across from me.

“It’s been great,” I said honestly. I’d had fun getting to know my hellhounds and the other students, and despite the mindfuck that it all was, I was liking it a lot.

“So, what did you do before you came here?” Diane asked, and both Paris and Wayne focused on me as well curiously.

I went into telling them about my various jobs to afford my crummy rentals, explaining that Jack had made it difficult. To which he defended himself stating he was protecting me, which Hadley and Diane understood. Paris and Wayne were both quiet as I even mentioned my time on the streets after bailing on my aunt.

“Why’d you leave your aunt?” Diane asked when there was a pause.

“Because she was nasty,” Creeper muttered as Chum growled softly.

Diane arched a brow at me as I pursed my lips. How much did I want to share about my life?

I glanced at Jack, and he managed a small smile at me.