“And did they say what your mother’s cause of death was?” he asked softly.

“Brain aneurysm. They couldn’t explain the shattering of glass,” I murmured.

Dezikiel nodded as he came to a standstill before a wooden door.

“Lily, you must never tell another person how your mother died, you understand? Her death is something no one must know about,” he said, his tone low and firm as he turned to me with a fierce look.

“Why?” I gulped.

“Just trust me, please. You must keep it a secret,” he said, those dark eyes holding mine until I nodded. “Now, this will be your room from here on,” he said, the strange look in his eye disappearing as he swung the door open, like we’d not just dragged up a crappy memory and he’d told me to hide it away.

Why couldn’t I tell anyone? What wasn’t he telling me?

But something in his stance told me he wasn’t going to tell me anything. Not yet, so I instead glanced through the doorway.

I sucked in a breath at the lavish room. There was an open door off to the right which revealed my own private bathroom, and then there was a dresser with a mirror, and a reading nook looking out onto the extravagant gardens.

The huge king bed was luxurious, with a gold and white wooden frame.

There was even a walk-in closet beside the bathroom, and a bookcase and desk, along with a wall mounted TV that lined up with the foot of the bed.

It was huge.

“This is my room?” I squeaked.

“Yes. I’ve taken the courtesy of having all your belongings moved here already,” he said, indicating at the large suitcase at the end of my bed and a few small boxes.

“Who got my stuff? I haven’t been here that long,” I asked, completely baffled.

“Your hellhounds assisted,” Dezikiel gave me an amused smile.

Right. My hellhounds.

“Now, why don’t you get dressed and do whatever you need. I know this is a lot for you to process. I’ll send someone to collect you in about half an hour. You’re safe here, Lily. I promise you that,” Dezikiel said, those dark eyes unwavering as he gave me a gentle smile.

I just nodded as he strode out of the room, so graceful and quiet.

He’d mentioned angelic creatures.

Was he…?

I sighed as he closed the door, and I took the few steps forward so I could collapse on the bed.

God, it was so comfy. I’d never lain on anything so lavish and soft. This definitely outdid my crappy little single bed in my shitty apartment.

I stared up at the high cream ceiling, frowning as thoughts swirled through my mind.

For so long, I’d believed I was crazy. And now I was told I was something else. But what had happened to my mother? What was the truth behind that day? And why id I have hellhounds protecting me? I rolled my head to eye the letter in my hand, and I quickly unfolded it to reread it.

‘An Academy for demonic creatures who retain their souls.’


What the hell did that mean I was?