Ipractically moaned at the pressure in the shower, the jet of warm water hitting my skin and washing away some of my worries.

I’d not had a damn nice shower like this in years. My shitty apartment shower was pathetic.

Speaking of, I needed to figure out what I was doing. If I stayed here, I needed to get rid of my rental. Which meant skipping out on my six month lease.


But did I want to stay?

Well, knowing now that I wasn’t crazy, and that there was more to this world than I thought, maybe I needed to.

I couldn’t just walk away knowing what I now knew, could I? Besides, I had a whole lot of questions now.

I closed my eyes as I gave my hair a much needed wash too.

At least I was out of the fast food service industry.

But this Academy, did it cost? How could I afford it?

So many questions were rising up in my mind, and I finished up my shower rather quickly, unable to enjoy it like I’d wanted to. There was no way I was going to get my answers in the shower. I’d have to speak with Dezikiel again.

I’d found my toiletries in my suitcase, but the new toothbrush and toothpaste in my bathroom looked like a much better quality, so I tossed mine in the bin under the sink and brushed my teeth.

I wanted to go and find Dezikiel and ask him all my questions, find out what was going, and what I was. But he’d told me to process things.

After all, I’d just learned angelic and demonic creatures were real. That was still weighing on me, but it came with a fuck load of questions. He’d said someone would come find me in half an hour anyway. My questions could wait that long.

Once I was presentable, I headed back to my suitcase, eyeing the boxes stacked at the end of my bed.

My hellhounds had helped gather up my stuff.

I still couldn’t quite believe my monsters were real. Calling them hellhounds felt strange, I’d always thought of them as my monsters.

But touching stuff? They’d never really done that before.

I knelt down, opening the first box and smirking. I pulled out the Pringles tin and checked inside it. All my cash was still in there, untouched.

I set it to the side, checking the contents of the box a little more.

A photo-frame of my mother and I, along with a jewelry box she’d gotten me. I inadvertently touched the silver pentagram necklace I wore that she’d given me for my fourteenth birthday.

I’d joked she was trying to turn me into a satanist, but she’d said it was not an inverted one, so it actually meant protection. The red and black opal encrusted into the center of it was not cheap, but I’d never considered pawning the gift from my mother. I never took it off.

I still remembered her words, that it was mainly a gift from her, but it was also a reminder that I was never alone.

I sighed as I investigated the other boxes. Mostly the things from my bookshelf, a few books and keepsakes, my phone, my stuffed koala I’d gotten when I was younger named ‘Blinky Bill’. How original for me.

Hell, there was even the last of my chocolate bar in there.

I snorted at this.

The other box contained my boots, my leather jacket, and my emerald green dress I’d picked up cheaply at a second-hand store.

All my most valuable belongings, nothing had been missed, and I smiled at that.

Jorkan. Dezikiel had called one of my… hellhounds that. So they had other names. And Magnus.