I moan loudly and he answers with his own moan. I squeeze my thighs together tighter and give myself completely over to his control. I let him use my throat for anything he wants while he moans his praises to me. The name ‘Whore’ still smarting with every mention. Though the knowledge that there are things I could do that can shock him is enough of a balm I’ll take it for now. I swallow with every other thrust and feel the tight ring of my throat squeeze around the head of his dick. He moans louder and I feel him tremble. I’m doing that to him. Me. This all powerful monster of a being is falling to my ways.
Yes, I like this game. I like this game more than the other.
“What the fuck? Shit Genesys.” He hisses out as he slams my head down on his lap and comes violently down my throat. I swallow over and over as the crown of his cock lodges deep past my gag reflex. Once he’s done, he tosses me off his cock and glares down at me. I don’t dare smile or ask him any questions. Instead, I wipe the side of my mouth making sure I don’t miss a drop and then I bend down to use the edge of my sack to clean up the mess on the floor. I stand back up by the table and continue to feed him like nothing changed.
His eyes go wide and I look down to see what he’s staring at. My nipples are hard and poking through the thin material of my tattered garment. I’m aroused and he knows it.
“You liked it.” His voice is barely more than a whisper until he clears his throat and sits up straight in his chair. “Get the fuck out of here. I’ll have my servant clean up the rest, Whore.”
I turn on my heels and walk slowly back to my room. He was right when he’d said I liked it. Not so much the pain and humiliation of it, but the fact that I could shock the man that must have thought himself unshockable.
A small smile plays on my lips as I close myself into my stone room. Eleven more days of this. I wonder what other tricks I could play on Savage?
Chapter Five
Savage doesn’t call for me for the rest of the night and when I emerge for breakfast he’s not anywhere to be found.
There's no more talking again.
What have I done for him to treat me like this?
I was good.
I was a good whore.
I dig my nails into the palm of my hand and take a few deep breaths. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I thinking like this now? I know I have to separate myself from what's going on, but that doesn’t mean that I need to lose myself. No, I can’t lose myself. I have to remember who the fuck I am—Genesys La Rue.
I look around the bare room and I don’t see anything in here for me to do. My body itches, but besides that, I know that there's nothing else wrong with me. I need to be practicing for when I get into the first days of the dance classes. I know all the basics and have been practicing ballet since before I can remember. The one main thing they tell you about ballet is if you don’t use it you’ll lose it. I have to practice, to make sure I keep my positions tight. I close my eyes and start going through my list of positions. The music in my head is dark and slow like a gloomy Black Swan piece. I don’t need anything besides my own body to guide me. I know these positions like the back of my hand. I’m sweating and touching my body as I continue to go through the positions. Now instead of just the music, I can see Savage’s face watching me go through everything. He’s watching over me. He’s there when I fuck up and he reprimands me, pushing me to do better. Over and over until my calf cramps and I buckle down to the ground.
I pant in pain and my eyes spring open.
Savage is at the door staring at me. His face is a mask of fury and impatience.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting here for you to stop your nonsense, Whore? Do you think I have time to waste?”
I scramble to my feet and walk towards him.
“Take this shit off!” He grunts out and tears at the thin material of the sack. It tears with one good tug.
“I’m dirty and it seems I’m in need of a bit of entertainment.” He snarls at me and I pull the rest of the dirty rag off. I follow behind him and rush to his bathroom, so I can wash him. It’s the same as usual, but it’s a bit later in the day.
I do my very best to keep up with him, but he’s walking so fast that I have to pretty much jog. He stops suddenly and I run into his back.
He turns with a sneer on his face and he grabs hold of me by the back of my neck. He pulls me into the large bathroom.
“You smell like rotten garbage.” He turns the water on in the shower and pushes me in. I sputter and try to run out. The water is so hot. Savage doesn’t move. Instead, he throws a soapy cloth at me “Wash! You filthy whore!” He yells at me and I quickly try to block out the searing pain I’m in.
I rub my hands and the cloth over my quickly reddening skin, and the dirt drops to the bottom of the large shower. After a second he steps into the shower with me. He stands with both of his hands against the wall over my head and leers down at me. This is normal. I pick up his rag and soap and I begin to clean his rock hard body. I look down at his cock and watch as it gets harder every second I stare. When I look back up he’s still leering at me. I kneel to wash his thick thighs and ass. My lips brush against the head of his pretty cock and he sucks in a shuddered breath.
“You want to play games Whore? Let’s fucking play!” He pulls my hair and yanks me out of the shower without turning off the water. He grabs a towel and drapes it over his shoulder while he keeps pulling on me. I try to get to my feet, but with the tile floor and the dripping water I can’t stand. He drags me into a large room full of art and sculptures. It looks more like a museum than an actual room in a house. He drops me in the middle of the floor and grabs a chair for himself. He dries his body before he drops down onto the chair.
“Dance, Whore.”
“What, Savage?” I ask completely at a loss as to what he wants from me. He squints his eyes in my direction and gets up from his seat. He walks out of the room leaving me there dripping wet and shivering in the middle of the cold floor.
When he comes back in the room he has the rod in his hand again. He sits back on the chair and bends the rod over his knee, flexing it for me.
“I’m going to say it one more time, Whore, dance for me. Make it fucking entertaining.” He snarls at me. One side of his smirk rises higher than the other.