“Hungry? You think you deserve to eat Whore? What have you done that’s so great to be rewarded?” He pushes his mostly full plate forward and folds his hands on his lap.
I can feel the anger boiling right beneath my skin. Is he crazy? He must be.
Fuck it. I’ll starve.
“Oh, you have nothing to say? Okay. I understand. I’ll feed you.” He answers as he picks up an empty bowl to shovel mac and cheese into it.
“Is this good enough for you?”
I nod my head and take a step forward. I love macaroni and cheese. I rarely eat it, because I know I need to work on maintaining my figure. Though right now I could care less about how much I weigh. I just want to get that food into my mouth.
It’s the gooey type of mac and cheese, and it smells heavenly. I can see the different cheeses in it, watching as he stirs it up. Steam billows off the cooked noodles and I almost smile.
Until I watch him stand up and yank his cock out of his lounge pants. He jerks himself hard a few times and my mouth snaps open like a fucking animated character. He groans lightly as two thick arches of cum shoot into the mac and cheese. The white cum is camouflaged perfectly by the white gooey cheese in the food. He stirs it and picks the bowl up from the table. He holds it for me to take and when I hesitate he turns it over, so it’s on the floor.
“Eat it.” He grits out.
No way. There’s no fucking way I’m going to eat that nasty shit. Fucking asshole. I wish he’d fucking die! Dirty piece of no class shit! I curse him every which way, but my mouth is still watering for some food.
“I’ll keep you alive for the two weeks that you're set to be here, you don’t need to eat. If you want anything in your belly, this is all you're going to get. Either you get on your fucking hands and knees, Whore, and eat this off the floor, or you will eat nothing for the rest of your time here. Get down, now!” He stares at me and against my own judgment, my knees begin to give out. I cry harder when they hit the floor. My hands hit next and I crawl forward ready to pick up the pieces of pasta with my fingers to put in my mouth.
“No fucking hands, put your fucking mouth on the floor like the waste of space that you are.” Snot pours from my nose as I sob uncontrollably, but I still do as he commands. I slurp up the cum-infused dinner from the floor and chew it hungrily.
“Eat it all up. Every last drop.” He orders me. The longer I’m down here the more he talks to me and as confusing as it is, I’m strangely pleased by the sound of his voice.
“That’s a good whore. I knew you’d do a good job.” The praise lights something up inside of me and now instead of timidly eating off the floor, I lick up the mess. I groan when I feel him press his foot to the back of my head, so my face is pushed further into the floor. It’s harder to get the food up this way, but I like the feel of him pushing me. What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck am I even doing here? Is this really worth the fucking million dollars that he’s going to give me? I’ve never been so fucking humiliated before.
“What a good little whore you are. I’ll have to give you more of my cum if it means you’ll act like this. What do you say, Genesys? Do you want more of my cum?” He asks and before I even realize what I’m saying, I nod my head yes.
Finally, after I finish sucking up the last of the macaroni and cheese he reaches down and grabs my hair.
“Open that pretty mouth Whore.” I bristle at the sound of him using that name again. He just called me by my given name. I don’t want to be Whore, just Genesys. What can I do to make him stop calling me that?
“Open that mouth nice and wide. I’m going to fuck the back of your throat and if you throw up your dinner I’m going to make you eat it back up off the floor.” I do my best to force the food to settle in my stomach. I don’t think I’m going to be able to stomach eating cum-infused mac and cheese off of the floor a second time.
I crawl over to him and place my hands on his knees, but he reaches over to pick up the rod next to him. He strikes me hard against the knuckles on both my hands and I cry out a yip. I pull my hands back and instantly feel the welt that’s growing on my skin. That shit hurts.
“Don’t fucking touch me. I didn’t give you permission to put your hands on me.”
I stay kneeling between his legs with my hands down at my sides. I don’t want to get hit again.
“You will not close your mouth, do you understand Whore?”
“Yes, Savage.” I answer immediately.
With that he grabs my hair hard and I hiss out in pain as tears spring to my eyes.
“Open your fucking mouth!” He barks at me and I open my mouth.
“Look at my dick Whore, do you think it’ll fit in that little slit you’ve given me? Seems like you want to play games. Do what I ask or this is going to get much more painful for you.”
I stretch my mouth open as wide as it would possibly go without any device forcing it open. It’s not enough. I know it won’t be able to get him in.
“Can I use my fingers, Savage, to pull my mouth open more?” I ask and in that second I can see the surprise on his face. That one moment of shock has me pressing my thighs together tightly. I’d surprised him, pushing him off his higher ground even if it's only from the second.
“Don’t put your hands on me. You can do what you wish with your mouth.” He replies and I use my fingers to hook into my own cheeks and spread my mouth wider for him. After a second, he slams my mouth down on his thick, long dick and I’m gagging right away. I can’t throw up. Not after I’ve just eaten. He fucks my throat ruthlessly and I can feel the bruise growing on the back of my throat. It’s painful, but not as bad as I’d think it’d be. After a few thrusts, my throat becomes somewhat numb to the fact that his large member is sliding its way down it.