I’m glad he didn’t suggest Daisy, but I wish he hadn’t named one of his suitors. Jealousy settles in my stomach like a lead weight. “Aren’t the Nightshade coven your friends?” I frown.

“They’re not your enemy. I won’t let any harm come to you.” He softly kisses my lips. The affection eases my worry. He frees the horses from the wagon and winces as he climbs onto one of them. He isn’t as fit as he’s making out, but I try not to show my concern. “I’m okay,” he says, noticing my involuntary frown.

“Do you want to share a horse? It might be easier.”

“There’s no reason for you to dwell on my injury. This…” he gestures to his bruised side, “is just a scratch, but I’m glad you care.”

I shake my head, although I’m happy he can still muster a witty remark. We both know his injuries are more than that. I walk over to the other horse but don’t get a chance to climb on.

“Rose,” a voice shouts from the distance.

I put my hand on the saddle.

“You won’t get another chance with the Wolfbane coven if you do this,” Markus shouts, confirming my suspicion of who’s here. I hesitate but put my foot in the stirrup.

A cry of pain from my sister runs straight through me. He’s hurting her because of my actions. “Leave her alone,” I finally respond.

“I’m willing to let the prince go, but not you,” he says.

I look at Titan, but he shakes his head. “I’m not going without you.”

Turning to Markus, I give him my full attention. He has a blade placed against my sister’s throat. “Don’t do it, Markus,” I say, trying to hold my nerve. If I stay, it’s likely he’ll kill Titan, but am I willing to gamble Silvi’s life? Markus has surprised me once before. Can I risk him doing it again?

“Come to me,” Markus says.

I plead with Titan. “You have to save yourself.”

“You’ll never be free if you stay with them. You belong with me,” Titan says.

I open my satchel and pull out the cloak. “I have to save my sister,” I say, throwing the magical cloak over Titan and his horse. He makes a grab for me, even though he’s injured. I slip under the spell and out of sight.

Markus cuts my sister’s throat without hesitation, and she falls to the ground.

“No!” I shout, wiggling out of Titan’s grip.

My blood boils with rage. I want to kill him. I want to rip him to shreds like he deserves. Anger fills my thoughts as I crouch down on the floor. My clothes are shed as I shift into my true wolf form. I growl at Markus, who shifts into his own wolf, and I take off into the forest to hunt him down.

Chapter Thirteen


Growing up, people had tried to control my life. I always felt I was stumbling to please everyone, although I didn’t always get it right. Silvi blamed the curse for our troubles, but that was only part of it. Markus tricked us into thinking we’d be free once the spell was broken. That was a lie.

My poor sister was killed by the man she loved. A tear slides down my fur. Silvi always said I needed to be strong and not show weakness, but right now, all I can think about is revenge. Now I’m going rogue, driven by anger.

I chase Markus, following his tracks through the woodlands up into the high mountains. I follow him until the trees fade away and the rocks overlook a valley. The sun beams down on Markus’s silver fur. I want to cover it with his blood. Hate consumes my heart.

“Now, Rose, we can talk about this,” he says, edging towards the cliff.

“There’s nothing left to talk about. I don’t want to live under your rule and nobody should have to. You’re a bully and a murderer,” I say. My emotions come through in my voice.

“You’re no better than me, so don’t pretend you are,” he spits out.

“I killed a man to save our people! I’ve never taken pleasure in taking a life. You slit my sister’s throat to punish me!”

“Silvi wasn’t useful to me anymore. Besides, you seem to like the sadistic type.”

My eyes widen. Did he justify his actions by suggesting I’m drawn to making others suffer? “Titan isn’t like that.” His family is cruel, but I see the good in him.