“I’ve to go before someone notices I’m missing,” she says.

“Okay, but please tell me you have a plan to get us out of here.” I don’t know if that’s her intention, but I have to hope she’s choosing me.

“I’m working on it.”

I’m relieved. Leaving the Wolfbane coven is the only way we have a future. She moves to the back of the wagon.

“Don’t let him touch you, Rose.” Markus wants what’s mine, but I don’t want to share any part of her.

She pauses for a second. “Get some rest. You’re going to need it.” Then she’s gone, like a dream, and it leaves me questioning if it ever happened.

Chapter Twelve


Why do men keep spell books in their bedrooms? Unlike Titan’s castle, Markus uses magic to hide what he wants to keep safe. Luckily for me, I’ve learned a thing or two from my captivity. The book I want whispers enchantments to me as I get closer. The Wolfbane grimoire calls to me like it would any member of our family if they knew what they were doing.

The shimmer on the cover and the spark of lightning as I touch it isn’t like anything I’ve felt before. This book is mine, and I don’t have to look for the information I desire. A moonstone spell is the first one I turn to. An invisibility cloak is what’s going to get us out of here. When I had time to truly think about what I wanted, the answer was easy. I don’t want Titan to die, and I can’t stay here, so we have no other option but to leave.

“What are you doing in my room?” Markus asks, standing over me.

“I want to be able to use my magic. It’s my birth right,” I say, getting to my feet. We both know I shouldn’t be in here, but I need to prove I can hold my own. I can’t show weakness or he’ll use it against me.

He strokes my cheek. “And you’ll have it. As my wife, you’ll have access to all the knowledge your heart desires.”

I try not to flinch under his touch. Instead, I step close, leaning into his embrace. “I’d love to spend more time with the grimoire.”

He kisses my lips softly, and I slip my hand into his pocket. I’m not as stealthy as I’d like and he grabs my wrist, forcing it towards his erection. “My penis is here, and it’s yours.”

I have no choice but to grab it, giving it a tug. A low groan starts in the back of his throat. He kisses me again, only this time, I return it. Quickly, I change the hand on his hardened cock, applying a little friction. He thrusts his hips up towards me, and I return my free hand to his pocket. The gem is within my grasp again. The weight of the stone is familiar to me now, but hopefully not to Markus. I massage his length while trying not to shudder at his response. With the moonstone in my grip, I stroke him one last time before I move away, taking the precious gem with me.

“I think we should wait for the wedding,” I say coyly, batting my eyelashes. I’ve never been this girl, but I hope I can fool him into believing I’m trustworthy. I wait for his reaction. Will he notice what I’ve taken from him, or will lust fog his judgement?

“We won’t wait that long,” he says, and I smile. Not because of what he said, rather what he didn’t say. He hasn’t noticed what I’ve done.

I blow him a kiss and swiftly exit.

A cold shiver runs down my spine as I leave for my room. I’m going to hell for my sins. He’ll eventually notice the stone is gone and might suspect I had something to do with it. Titan also won’t be happy with what I did to get my hands on it. Making a hasty getaway is my only option. After visiting my tent, I take a small bag of clothes, leaving my sentimental things behind. Once the horn sounds for dinner, I make my way to Titan’s wagon. Using the moonstone, I make the cloak needed to hide my cargo. I strap the horses on tight and climb onto the rider’s seat. I jolt the reins and the horses start walking.

I nod to the guard when passing through the gate. The cage is covered with the hidden cloak spell so Titan isn’t visible to anyone but me. It isn’t unusual for these wagons to be leaving empty for supply runs, so I easily leave the coven without suspicion.

Once I’m deep into the forest, I stop to check on him. I pull off the main track and lift the cloak from the cage. Titan’s bruised and battered body doesn’t look as broken in the light of day. His cocky grin is back, and he’s no longer lying on the floor. He watches me fold the cloak into my satchel.

“Well, well. My little Rose has been a bad girl. You know there’s no going back now,” he says, moving so he’s towering over me.

I climb up and open the lock on the door to his prison.

“I couldn’t let them have you. I’m the only one who should get to torment you,” I say, not wanting to admit the truth about my feelings towards him.

“Do with me as you see fit,” he says, holding his hands up to surrender.

I smile brightly for the first time in days. “We need to save our energy,” I say, trying to ignore the tingle in my core.

“Okay. I think we should ditch the wagon as it will be quicker on horseback, but where to, Milady?” He leaves the holding cell, moving closer than necessary.

“We need a neutral ally that isn’t mixed up with either side.” I trust him not to betray me. For once, I’d like to think what we have is real and I’ve made the right choice. He could take the moonstone and my blood, but I have to believe he won’t.

“Belladonna from the Nightshade family will be able to help us.”