Chapter One


“Logan!” My mother’s voice traveled from the first floor, right up into my bedroom.

My heart skipped a beat. He’s early.

“Hi, Carolyn,” a deep voice replied, the tenor of it making my thighs clench.

Shit. I jumped off my bed. Shit. Shit. Shit.

“I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow!” my mom exclaimed, a hint of an excited squeal in her voice.

Neither did I, I thought, frantically searching for something to wear. My pajama shorts and unicorn tank weren’t going to work. He wasn’t supposed to be here yet! I had a whole plan. One that required a shower, makeup, and a dress.

No time for that now.

“I took an earlier flight out. Jax was supposed to tell you.”

“He didn’t.”

“I didn’t,” my brother echoed, his feet pounding down the stairs as he went to greet his best friend. “I knew she’d make a big deal out of it.”

“I would do no such thing,” my mother lied, causing me to snort at the same time as my brother.

My mother loved Logan Pierce—who preferred to be called by his last name yet tolerated my mom referring to him as Logan instead—and would have made a fuss over dinner tonight had she known he was arriving today.

Which was the absolute last thing she needed with my other brother getting married this weekend. Hence the reason Pierce had come back for a visit. He and my oldest brother were both part of the wedding.

I ran my fingers through my blonde hair and pulled it back into a messy bun as heavy boots hit the stairs. My brother was obviously trying to pull Pierce away from our doting mother.

He’s coming.

I checked my black pants and fitted short-sleeved blouse, the outfit perhaps a bit too sophisticated for just hanging out in my room. But I needed Pierce to see me as a woman, not a kid sister. And pajamas with cartoon unicorns on them wasn’t the way to do it.

I really could have used an extra fifteen minutes’ notice to do my hair and makeup properly, but this look would have to do.

Classy. Sort of.

I hopped back onto my bed and pulled my textbook into my lap, my expression studious. Just breathe, I coached myself.

It didn’t work.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, the notion of seeing Pierce setting my nerves on edge.

It’d been eighteen months since I’d last seen him. Eighteen months since our paths had crossed. Eighteen months since he’d shattered my heart into pieces by kissing that woman at the bar.

But he hadn’t known I was there.

And he technically didn’t owe me a damn thing.

I was just his buddy’s little sister.

The girl he’d grown up around, ruffling her hair and teasing her as though she’d belonged to him. Just not in the way I truly desired.

He treated me like his own sibling, taunting me right along with my brother.

However, I wasn’t little anymore. I was a woman. Something I had wanted to tell him at that bar eighteen months ago until I’d realized he wasn’t alone.