He’s alone now, I thought, fighting a grin. Well. Alone with Jax, anyway.
And just like that, my grin fell.
Because Pierce would never see the real me with my brother standing between us.
“Shh, she’s studying,” Jax said now, his tone taunting as he neared my room, fully aware that I could hear them in the hallway. Our parents’ home wasn’t large, hence the reason I’d been able to hear them downstairs.
Well, that and my room was above the foyer. The vents in the house broadcast sound like a microphone.
“Senior year of college,” Jax continued. “Final exams. You remember that, right?”
“Pure hell,” Pierce drawled.
“And yet you’re willingly going back to it.”
“As a visiting professor,” Pierce replied, his deep tones filling my doorway. “Very different from being a student.”
“Hmm,” Jax hummed, sounding unconvinced.
I glanced up to find them both leaning into my room. Pierce’s eyes were on my book, while Jax’s focus was on me. “She has to head back first thing Sunday for her exams on Monday.”
“She can speak for herself, as she’s sitting right here,” I informed him.
He grinned. “And here I thought you were too busy studying to greet Pierce.”
I rolled my eyes. “He’s a day early. I’m busy.” And my heart is about to explode because he looks so damn good that I may faint.
Which was why I kept my focus on my brother and not on Pierce because I didn’t trust myself not to react.
“Too busy for me?” Pierce asked, pushing into my room in all his six-foot-two glory. He stepped in front of my brother, forcing me to look at him.
Shaved head.
Neatly trimmed dark beard.
Tattoos up and down both athletic arms, hidden only by a fitted T-shirt that accentuated his muscular physique.
Tight jeans that I knew showcased an excellent ass.
Sigh. He looked even better than he had eighteen months ago. Perhaps because he was closer to me now than before.
“What’s on your arm?” he asked, gesturing to my forearm.
I glanced down, frowning at the flower ink decorating my skin. “A tat.”
“Are you even old enough for that?”
My jaw clenched, my eyes narrowing. “I was old enough for it three years ago.” Which was the last time he had actually seen me since he hadn’t been aware of my presence eighteen months ago.
Which meant he hadn’t seen me since my eighteenth birthday.
And he’d missed my twenty-first birthday because he lived on the opposite side of the country now.
Not that the distance did anything to dispel my crush on him.
I had tried to forget him numerous times, dating other men in high school and college. But none of them had ever compared to Logan Pierce, the object of my fantasies.
It was pathetic, and I borderline hated myself for it. But I’d resigned myself to this fate ages ago, even while still dating my way through the college population.