Page 28 of Meet Again

“Thanks.” I take another deep breath, nerves ricocheting all around me. It’s the third year my students have performed at the festival, and I still get nervous each time. They’ve worked so hard preparing for this, and I’m proud of my girls.

My mom and I walk out of the studio toward the stage where the performance will take place. The weather is holding out, so I hope it continues to do so until the performance is finished.

“Good luck, mi amor.” My mom kisses my cheek when we reach the side of the stage.

“Thank you. I’ll see you and Dad after the show.”

Excitement buzzes around the girls as they wait behind the stage, checking each other’s make-up and hair.

“How are you? Are you ready?” I smile at the teen girls.

“Yes, we can’t wait.” Clara squeals.

“And Rachel’s boyfriend has front row seats,” Mel teases a blushing Rachel.

“He’s sitting with Luke,” Clara sighs. “He’s so cute.”

I laugh at them and shake my head. To be young again. I check the music and make sure everything is set for their performance. After the mayor speaks and welcomes everyone, he’ll introduce the girls. Then, we can all enjoy the rest of the festival.

It’s an all-day event with booths around the center of town, cornucopia competitions to see who can create the most beautiful one, and games for children. There will also be a pumpkin pie contest, and I’m looking forward to tasting the different ones.

It’s the best way to kick off Thanksgiving tomorrow.

“Ooooohhh…” a chorus rings around me. I look at the girls with confusion. They’re giggling and pointing somewhere past the stage toward the audience.

“Lex, look who’s here,” Mel giggles.

“Her BF,” Clara adds.

I follow their pointed fingers and see Hudson in the audience. Arching a brow and giving them my best teacher glare, I cross my arms.

“Girls.” They lift their eyebrows at my tone. “He isn’t my boyfriend, and you shouldn’t be gossiping.”

“My mom says they dated,” Mel whispers to Clara.

My glare hardens, and they zip their lips. Thankfully, the mayor walks on stage. Being the center of my students’ gossip is something I’d like to avoid a million times over.

We’re all quiet as the mayor speaks. When he introduces the girls, I give them a thumbs up and move to the side of the stage to watch them. I smile when I see how many people have gathered to see their performance and the way they look on with amazement.

Everyone gives them a standing ovation when they bow, and I clap along with them, wearing a proud smile as I walk up on stage.

“Thank you so much for being here for our girls and cheering them on. I’m so proud of you all,” I say when I’m handed a microphone.

“You’ve worked hard and continue to astound me with your talent. I’d also like to take this special moment to share some exciting news we received a few weeks ago. Sarah,” I reach my hand out to her.

“She’s a hard worker, dedicated, and determined. After lots of work, she was invited to participate in a musical in our local city. I’m proud of her and proud to see our youth striving. Congratulations.” I smile at her and then hug her tightly while everyone claps and cheers for her.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

After I’ve greeted the parents and other people from town who have stopped me to share their congratulations, I meet my friends.

“They were great,” Hope gushes. “I wish I could dance like that.”

“You’re not terrible, babe,” Toby teases her, his arm wrapped around her waist. She slaps his chest and rolls her eyes playfully.

“Congrats, Lex. It was a great performance,” he tells me.

“Thank you. It’s all on the girls.”