Page 29 of Meet Again

“No way, you’re their instructor.” Ellie gives me a side hug.

“Yeah, but they do the work. I can’t do it for them, only teach them,” I shrug. I’ve been in my students’ shoes, and I know how much it takes to get where they are. I had to give up some things in order to keep my commitment. I did it because I loved it.

“Hey,” Hudson walks up to us. “Congrats, Lex, that was amazing.”

“She won’t accept it. For some reason, she’s crazy and thinks she has nothing to do with how her students perform,” Ellie laughs.

I roll my eyes. “Anyway, I’m going to take this stuff to the studio. I’ll see you guys in a bit.” I carry the heavy tote bag filled to the brim with props. It’s the perfect exit to avoid Hudson.

Once I’ve put them away, I check my makeup in the mirror and take a deep breath. I haven’t seen Hudson since last week, and I haven’t had the courage to process how I felt.

“You look beautiful. You don’t need any more of that stuff.” My gaze lifts, and I catch Hudson’s eyes through the mirror.

“You really need to stop sneaking up on me here.” I cap my lipstick and slip it into my purse.

“Habit, I guess.” He shrugs, staring at me intently.

“I’m really proud of all this,” he waves a hand. “I know I said it when we first saw each other, but seeing your students perform was amazing. You’re doing great things, Lex.”

“Thank you.” I smile genuinely.

“You’re welcome. Are you coming back out?”


“You don’t mind that I’m around, right?” His gaze pierces me.

“Why would I mind?” I cross my arms.

“Well, the other night was a bit intense, and you asked for space. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” He shifts on his feet, scratching his stubbled jaw.

“I’m okay,” I assure him. “Besides, I can keep you at a distance.” It’s a big fat lie, but I’m still channeling Lorelai Gilmore. And failing.

I shoulder my purse and walk toward the door. He’s right beside me. His heat envelops me, and when the back of his fingers brush against mine in featherlight touches, I shiver. Such a small thing, but it gets a big reaction from me.

“Are you sure about that?” He smirks when I look up at him with wide eyes.

The reason I need space from him is because I know how easily I can fall for him. I also know how painful losing him is.

Hope, Ellie, and Toby are a few feet away. When they see us walking together, all three raise their eyebrows, not hiding their curiosity.

“Well…” Ellie looks between us. “Who wants pie?” She smartly changes the subject.

“Me,” I drool. “And coffee. It’s freezing.”

“Oh, yeah. I could go for a latte from The Bean. I need to take advantage when I come into town,” Ellie nods, looping her arm in mine and leading me toward the coffee shop.

She leans in and whispers, “Don’t deny it. You and Hudson are scorching. I don’t know how you’re freezing. I can feel the heat from a distance.” She fans herself.

I laugh at her and shake my head. “Definitely not.”

“Right,” she gives me an incredulous look.

“I mean it,” I defend.

“Uh, huh. I know you do.” She placates me like a child.

“Whatever,” I shake my head. “Just take me to coffee and pie.”