Page 16 of Meet Again



I’vespentthelast four years questioning every choice I’ve made, beginning with pleasing my parents instead of fighting for the woman I loved. After some time, I had convinced myself it was for the best. I was angry Lex wasn’t willing to fight as hard, but if I put myself in her place, I don’t know if I’d have any more fight left in me.

My parents aren’t easy, especially when they don’t approve of someone. It was no secret that they thought Lex wasn’t good enough. They never shied away from their feelings, even if she was present. Always turning their noses as if she was a nuisance. It’s why I told her to move with me. We could start fresh away from my family’s judgments.

She always pointed out that it wouldn’t be a fresh start with me following my father’s orders. She had a point.

Not seeing her through the years helped, but I never forgot about her. How could I? She was my lobster. I’m confident enough to appreciate a sappy Friends term.

Toby would also tell me about her dance studio and how she was succeeding. I haven’t been happy since we broke up, but I can’t blame it all on my failed relationship. The path my life’s taken is far from ideal.

I grab my phone and search for my brother’s contact. It’s been a couple of months since we’ve spoken. Who knows where in the world he is right now.

“Hey, big bro. Long time no talk,” Tristan answers the call. He sounds relaxed.

“Phone works both ways,” I tease.

“Yeah, I know. I’ve been busy. How are you?”

“I’m good. I’m actually in Hartville.” I lean back on the armchair in my room.

“Excuse me? Did we travel to an alternate universe?”

“Ha, ha,” I say dryly. “I visit town. The same can’t be said for you.”

“You know I left it all behind for better pastures.”

“Yeah, where are you now?” I don’t know how he does it, but Tristan travels everywhere, finding temporary jobs on his way.

“I’m in Africa.”

“What?” I check my phone. “What time is it over there?”

“Eleven at night.”

“Sorry, were you sleeping?”

“Nah, I’m awake for a bit longer. Tell me about Hartville. Are Mom and Dad on your case?” He chuckles.

“About what?” I furrow my eyebrows.

“Anything and everything,” his laughter grows louder.

“You know how it is.” I cross my ankle over my knee.

“Yeah.” We’re both silent for a beat.

“Have you seen Lex?” His question doesn’t surprise me. When everything happened in college, he tried to convince me it wasn’t worth giving up on love. I’d never admit it to him, but he was right.

“Yeah,” I snort. “It’s gone as great as you can imagine, but she hasn’t killed me yet. I’m actually in town because of Toby’s engagement, and Lex is Hope’s maid of honor.”

“Ah, that’ll be interesting.” He is unsuccessful in hiding his amusement.

“It’s already been. We need to plan a joint bachelor and bachelorette trip.”

“So you’ve seen her more than once?” I can hear the surprise in his voice.