Page 15 of Meet Again

“Thank you, mami.” I wipe my mouth after the most amazing meal. Spending time with my family has been exactly what I needed after my run-ins with Hudson.

“You’re welcome.” She smiles.

My grandma clears her throat at the table, and I smile at her. “Thank you, too, Abuela.”

“That’s better. I did teach your mother everything she knows.” I laugh at her comment.

“You know, we ran into Hudson the other night,” my mom’s eyes widen slightly. My face drops, and I groan.

“Ooohhhh. Hudson? Your Hudson?” She points at me. “I heard he was in town.”

“He’s not my Hudson.” I cross my arms.

“Good,” my dad mumbles, but we all hear him.

“Manny,” my mom chastises.

“Ay, es su niña,” my grandmother says in Spanish, and I roll my eyes. I may be my dad’s little girl, but this conversation doesn’t need to happen. I’d rather avoid it altogether.

“I did love that boy,” my grandma adds with a smile.

“Well, don’t get any ideas.” I point my finger at her.

“Ideas? Me?” Her hand lands on her chest, and she has the nerve to look offended. If anyone is a meddling woman, it’s my abuela. She’s also outspoken and owns no filter.

“Yes, you.” I lift my eyebrows.

“I would never.” She shakes her head with a mischievous smirk.

“Mami,” my mom warns her.

“He does love my pastelitos and coffee. I should make him some.”

“Please don’t. That will only encourage him.”

“Encourage him?” The three say at the same time, each with a different tone. My dad is appalled. My mom is curious, and my grandma looks like the Cheshire cat. Great.

“Nothing,” I shake my head.

My grandmother begins speaking fast in Spanish, saying that Hudson was such an amazing young man who made me happy, and if he’s back in town, then it must be destiny. I take a deep breath and clear the table, so I don’t continue hearing her. I love my grandmother, but she’s stubborn as a mule.

Hudson and I may have been good together at one point in time, but like many people, our relationship had an expiration date. The problem is that when something expires, it’s not supposed to magically get more shelf life years later. Or maybe Hudson is like growing mold on that expiration. He did take over the planning like possessive mold.

Ugh, get a life, Lex. You need sleep.