Page 53 of When We Live

“Well, the boat was sinking, and you were screaming for help. And it was like I could see you, and you could see me, and I stretched my hands out to grab you… But you couldn’t reach me, as if something stronger than you had pulled you to the bottom of the ocean…”

A wave of apprehension sweeps through me, followed by panic.

This is just a stupid coincidence. I’ve never believed a dream can foretell your future.

But this is also strange as fuck, and it rattles me to the core.

“So I was in the water…” I mumble, trying to appear unfazed.

“Yes. Everything was dark, and you looked strange.”

Goosebumps dot my arms.

“What do you mean?”

“You had dark circles around your eyes, and you were so pale like you were…”

Her voice breaks, and my heart ticks fast.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Her voice is dense.

“Are you crying?” I ask incredulously.

She seems really shaken by this stupid dream.

I’ve never seen her so upset.

“No, I’m not,” she says, sniffling.

She makes an effort to recollect herself.

“I didn’t want to scare you, but I wanted to call you last night when it happened. Then I thought you’d say I’d lost it, so I waited. I figured you were okay. I didn’t hear from you this morning, and then I got antsy again.”

“I, uh… I came back late last night, and I just woke up and ordered some food,” I say, chewing again, the food no longer tasty.

I don’t even know if I should tell her I was on an actual boat. It would probably scare the shit out of her.

It scares the shit out of me. Anyway, her nightmare has nothing to do with reality, and it’s clearly an anxious dream.

What makes her so anxious and why I am in her dreams is a riddle for another time.

“So things are all right?”

“Yes. Everything is fine. I can’t wait to come back. It feels like it’s been a month since I left.”

Her chuckle puts a smile on my face.

“Tell me about it. That’s why I got out of the house. The streets are quiet, and it’s snowing again. I couldn’t stand it anymore. Maybe we can get together again this week.”

“We sure can. We can go out to that restaurant again.”

“Speaking of which. Guess who called me this morning?”

I don’t have time to respond when she continues.

“Shauna. She’s giving her man a second chance.”