Page 54 of When We Live

“Oh… Okay.”

I pause.

“I thought you’d be happy.”

I pour myself a cup of coffee, thinking about Robert Walker and the women keeping him and Ted Sloane company.

“I am. Did she talk to him?”

I sip slowly, the bitter, aromatic drink tumbling down my throat, giving me a much-needed boost.

“Yes. He called her.”

“No way,” I say absently, munching on my food while swiping my phone screen with my thumb and checking for missed calls and new messages.

I’ve got nothing.

A pang of irritation sweeps through me.

“He did, huh?” I mumble, unfocused.

She keeps talking, relaying me the story. Robert Walker convinced Shauna they could make it work.

Why or how they make it work escapes me.

Why would he need to convince her about something that is so obviously different than what she wants?

I doubt he makes concessions to her. Is Kai making concessions to me? Does he need to?

Anyway, Kai is different. He’s not like his father, and he tries not to be. I hope he is not.

“Uh-huh,” I murmur, and she goes on.

I hope things work out between Shauna and Kai’s father, although I doubt he’ll change his lifestyle for her.

I’m irritated again, realizing that my mind keeps tricking me, and my frustration stems from my inability to pull away from Kai’s web.

He caught me and released me––to his credit––yet I don’t feel free.

Giana and I end our conversation before I put my phone down and focus on my coffee and the view.

Kai said something about a trip to a beautiful estate on an island, but no information has been forwarded to me so far.

I should put some clothes on, get out, and start inquiring.

On the other hand, I don’t feel like seeing anyone right now.

* * *


I change my mind,so I finish eating, take a shower, put on my sweatpants, my tank top, and my flip-flops, and head to the door when a text message arrives.

My pulse races when I look down.

It’s from Marietta, Robert Walker’s executive assistant, and provides the necessary information on the business trip and lunch.

Frozen, I read the message again.