The bathroom on the main floor is closer to the front entrance. Tapping my knuckles on the door, Kalen opens almost immediately, letting me inside before locking us in. I’m not at all surprised to see he isn’t in here alone.

“Hey,” I mumble, nodding my head at the blonde sitting on the side of the tub. Probably waiting oh-so patiently for her next fix. How Kalen makes any money at all is beyond me. He gives free shit out to anyone he wants to fuck. And he’s an equal opportunist, so that’s a lot of product.

“Hi, I’m Val.” She smiles, eyes quickly flicking from me to where Kalen is crushing the pills on the counter.Yup, definitely here for a bump or two.

She’s cute. She’s got sick ass ink covering her arms, long, black nails that could claw someone’s eyes out, hoop earrings almost as big as her head, and she’s wearing dark denim ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, what looks like a black sports bra, and some black high-top Jordans.

Looking at me over his shoulder, his eyes glint and a grin splits on his pretty boy face as he hands me a rolled-up bill. “You’re up, boss.”

Positioning the bill over one of the lines, I inhale the crushed white powder up my right nostril, moving immediately to do the same to the next one. Tossing my head back, I wipe my nose with my hand, my eyes starting to water from the burn. Handing the bill to Kalen, he passes it to Val, letting her go before him.What a gentleman.

She only takes one of the lines, with Kalen quickly snorting the other two. The heavy, numb feeling starts spreading through my body, my mind clearing of all the bullshit constantly swimming around.

“Yo, thanks for that, Kal. I gotta get back before anyone notices I’m gone.”

“Anytime, bro.” He’s looking at me with hooded eyes and I know what he wants, but I’m not doing it withherhere. I don’t fucking know her, and I’m not high enough to not give a shit. Sober me—or mostly sober—prefers to keep my shit on the down-low.

“Nice to meet you, Val. See ya later, Kalen.” Opening the door, I look left and right, making sure I don’t see anyone. Before I make my way back outside, I stop first in the kitchen to grab another couple of beers. I’m feeling fuckinggood.

Chapter Three


It’s a little after one in the morning and we’re headed back to my house. The party was fun. It was good to see everyone and get out. Crew’s pretty drunk, I think. I don’t even remember him drinking more than three or four beers, but he’s sitting in my passenger seat, belting out the lyrics toRed Tail Lightsby Hinder, with the window all the way down, and his hand surfing on the wind. His eyes are closed, letting himself really feel the music.

Taking a moment to admire him before paying attention to the open road again, he really is an incredibly beautiful human being. Inside and out, just genuinely beautiful. He must sense me watching him because his left eye peels open, and a sly smile curls his lips. “What?”

“Nothing, man. Just watching you perform like you’re center stage at the Tacoma Dome.”

He laughs, turning up the music as another song starts playing, continuing his car concert. It isn’t long before we’re pulling up outside my house. Aston and Knox are already here. They left the party about an hour before us.

We silently make our way inside and up to my room. My parents are asleep and probably have been for hours. I don’t hear any noise coming from Aston’s room, but that definitely doesn’t mean they’re sleeping.

“Wanna wear some of my pajamas?”

“Nah, it’s all good. I’ll just sleep in my boxers,” he responds as he mindlessly strips down. I give him a once over before I can stop myself. He’s got a lean build, his torso long and smooth, with equally long legs. He doesn’t notice my perusal, climbing silently into my bed.

Alrighty, then.“I’ll be right back. Going to brush my teeth.”


My brother and I share a bathroom that’s connected to both of our rooms. As soon as I start brushing my teeth, grunts and groans reach my ears.

Yup, definitely not sleeping.Gross.

How those two managed to keep their relationship a secret as long as they did is beyond me. They’re not quiet in the least and they fuck like animals. I’ve walked in on them more times than I can count. Hell, even Calina has walked in on them. Her wide, horrified, innocent eyes were fucking hilarious.

Crew’s passed out by the time I get back into the room. Plugging my phone in, I slide into bed, under the covers, and will my brain to shut off so I can get some sleep. Insomnia has been a real issue for months now.

Looking over at Crew, the moonlight illuminates his features. He’s facing me. Dark, thick lashes fan his face, his pink, pouty lips are parted as soft snores reach my ears, his steady breath fans my face. He looks peacefully asleep.Must be nice.

Rolling over with my back to him, I shut my eyes and force myself to sleep. It must work because next thing I know, I’m startled awake. It’s still dark in the room, so I know it isn’t morning, but I’m extremely aware of the hard chest at my back. Crew has his arm wrapped around my waist, spooning me. His breathing lets me know he’s still asleep, but this hasneverhappened before, in all the times we’ve shared a bed.

Before I can even decide what to do next, he scoots closer, hugging my waist tighter as he buries his face in my neck. His hot breath on my skin causes goosebumps to break out everywhere. My eyes fly wide open, and I suck in a deep gasp when I try to readjust myself, feeling his dick rub against my ass—hisveryfucking hard dick.

Holy fucking shit.

I’m stunned, frozen in place. He’s clearly sleeping, but shit. I let out a shaky breath when his lips ghost across my neck, becoming hyper aware of the fact that my nipples have hardened, as has my dick. This is so fucked up. My friend—mybest fucking friend—is sleeping and I’m getting aroused.