I need to get up.

He has my waist in a death grip, though. Maybe I can shimmy my way out from under his arm. I’ll just roll onto my back and slide my way off the bed.

That’ll be good.

My pulse is racing, so I take a few moments to calm myself before rolling slowly onto my back. Inhaling deeply, I hold my breath while I try to wriggle my way to the edge of the bed. I almost make it before he groans and stirs, sliding his hand over my hip, yanking me back toward his body. His fingers graze my erection, and I have to bite my lip to stifle a moan.

Fucking hell.

This’ll be fine. I’ll just go back to bed, and all will be okay. He’s asleep, won’t remember this in the morning, and my body is just reacting the way it is because I’m half asleep.

It’s okay.

Carefully rolling back onto my side, with my back to his front, he lets out a breathy moan when my ass accidentally rubs against his junk, and the sound causes my own dick to twitch. Lying there, not daring to move a single muscle for I don’t even know how long, hefinallyfucking rolls over. The cool air hitting my back causes a chill to rack through my body, but at least we aren’t skin to skin anymore.

I feel like a fucking pervert for getting turned on by what just happened. Who does that?! Clearly, I need to get laid more if I pop a boner just from my friend breathing on my neck.


“If you both don’t get your asses down here right now, I swear to God, I’m leaving you both!”

“Fucking relax, killer,” Knox grumbles as they make their way down the stairs. “We’re right here, you impatient fuck.”

“We were supposed to hit the road thirty fucking minutes ago!”

“So what? What has your panties in a bunch?”

“Fuck off,” I snarl, turning on my heel and heading out to the car.

Aston laughs at my annoyance, both of them following behind me. This has been a weird fucking week, to say the least. Just as I figured, Crew didn’t remember a single part of the late-night snuggle session, but I sure as fuck did. How could I possibly forget the boner I got from my best friend rubbing on me?

It threw me off for the rest of the break. We barely saw each other over the last few days because I couldn’t stand the thought of looking him in the eye after I reacted that way to him in my bed. To make matters worse, the next morning after he left, I jacked off in the shower, and as I came, his face popped up behind my closed eyes.What the fuck?

Throwing my duffle in the trunk, I climb into the driver’s seat and start the car. Knox and Aston climb in shortly after. The Bluetooth connects to my phone, andLUSTby Chase Atlantic starts playing as a text comes through.

Crew: Hey, bud. Drive safe. Let me know once you make it. :)

Internally grumbling and rolling my eyes at my utter ridiculousness, I shoot him back a text before hitting the road.

Me: Thanks, man. I will.

“What’s going on with you, man?” Aston asks timidly from the passenger seat. In all fairness, my behavior is out of character for me. Out of the two of us, I’m the soft-spoken one who rarely gets bent out of shape.

“Nothing’s going on with me.”

Knox scoffs from the backseat. “Yeah, that’s a fucking lie.”

“Shut the fuck up, dude. I’m fine.” Cranking the volume up, forcing the conversation to stop, we begin our trek back to Pullman.

We get into town a little after two and I’m fucking exhausted. So happy to be home. I ended up driving the entire way because it helped keep my head focused, instead of ruminating on shit it shouldn’t, like Crew.

Calina called me as soon as I got home, saying she wanted to come over and hang out. I’m just getting out of a scalding hot shower and finishing getting dressed when she knocks on my door.

A smile slides on her face and her eyes light up when she sees me. “Hi,detka. I missed you.” She wraps her arms around my shoulders, kissing my neck.

“Missed you too, baby girl.” Taking her face in my palms, my mouth connects with hers. Her supple lips taste like her strawberry lip gloss, and when my tongue dances over her lips, she opens up, letting me inside. A soft sigh leaves her as my tongue tangles with hers. Maybe I just need to fuck my girlfriend. Fuck her and forget about the awkwardness that was spring break.

Pulling away from me, her dazed eyes find mine. “Wanna watch a movie?”