Page 44 of Jocks

Taking The Penalty 3


Whoeveritwaswho said things always seemed brighter in the morning was dead wrong. In the cold light of day, things seem worse than they did before. I can’t believe I took responsibility for what Jace Conley did to Russ’s car, but I was so angry after what Celeste told me. What makes it worse is that Russ didn’t deny it. In fact, he seemed to confirm that he and mom had started their affair when my dad was still alive.

Last night, when I got home, I stormed straight up to my room and locked the door, Mom tried to get me to come out and talk to her, but after a half hour, she took the hint that I really wasn’t in the mood. I barely slept, tossing and turning as I worried about what would happen when we came face to face this morning. I’m angry with her and she’s going to be so disappointed in me. It won’t be pleasant.

Knowing there’s no alternative, I get up, shower and dress in my favorite blue jeans and a red plaid shirt. Not bothering to dry my hair, I pull it back into a ponytail. The weather’s warm today, so leaving it wet is fine. Grabbing my bookbag, I go downstairs. As usual, Mom is in the kitchen. She turns toward me as I come into the room. Russ normally sits in the corner eating breakfast, but he isn’t here today.

“He went to pick his car up,” Mom says when she notices me glancing at his spot. “Someone smashed it up last night, if you can believe that.”

My eyebrows draw into a frown. Did he not tell her I did it, or at least that I claimed responsibility for doing it?

“Wow, that’s awful!”

“I know.” Mom looks weary as she slides a bowl of cereal across the breakfast bar to me. “It’s an expense we can do without, but never mind that. What was wrong with you last night? Did something happen?”

Perhaps I should leave it alone since Russ hasn’t mentioned anything to her. I could pretend Celeste never spoke to me and that I didn’t confront my stepfather over it. But, I know trying to keep a lid on this will eat me alive, so I decide I have to know the truth. “Celeste told me some stuff.”

“Celeste.” Mom’s lips purse. She doesn’t get on with her stepdaughter, who steadfastly refuses to set foot in our house, which she’s branded a hovel. “What did she say now?”

“That you and Russ started seeing each other before dad died.” Just saying the words, I can feel my anger growing. “That you were fucking at the Marriot every Thursday night.”

I expect an instant denial, but instead Mom hangs her head and sighs. “We were seeing each other, yes, but we certainly weren’t fu…” She never curses in front of me, so she falters. “We weren’t fooling around, and it wasn’t behind your father’s back.”

“So, what were you doing?”

“We would meet for a drink and just talk. We were both going through a tough time. I was losing your dad, and Russ and Caroline were fighting all the time.”

“So you just cried on each other’s shoulders?” There’s more to it than that. There has to be. They are married now, after all. That didn’t happen out of nowhere.

“At first, but we started to feel something more for each other. I promise you, we didn’t take things further while your dad was still with us.”

She seems sincere, so I’m inclined to believe her. “So what did you mean when you said it wasn’t behind Dad’s back? He knew about this?”

Mom pours herself a cup of coffee and takes a sip. “He did. You might find it hard to believe, but he encouraged us to get together. He knew I’d need someone when he was gone and he loved Russ like a brother. He thought we’d be a good match.”

Some people might accuse her of bullshitting, but she seems sincere and knowing my dad, he’d have wanted to push Mom toward someone who’d take care of her.

“He was a good man,” I say wistfully. It’s been three years, but I miss him every day.

“He was,” Mom agrees. “So you’re okay with what I’ve told you?”

“I guess.”

I’m pretty sure she’s being straight with me.

“I promise you, sweetie, I loved your father. I would never have cheated on him.”

“I know Mom.”

Taking a piece of toast with me, I head for the door, feeling better for having spoken to my mother about what Celeste told me. As I get behind the wheel of my battered old Toyota, my heart sinks. I may have solved one issue, but I still have to face Russ and put things right with him. The easiest way would be to tell him that Jace Conley was actually the one who caused the damage to his car, but how can I do that without the entire university turning on me for ratting him out?

It’s such a disaster, I almost contemplate taking a sick day. But that would just mean delaying the inevitable. I’m going to have to face the mess I’ve created eventually. Might as well get it over with.