Page 43 of Jocks

Harrington spreads his arms wide and approaches her slowly, like she’s a wild animal about to attack. I shouldn’t be standing here to witness such a deeply personal moment, but fascination has my feet anchored to the spot. It’s not that I’m enjoying watching Harrington squirm, although I do derive considerable pleasure from that. No, what really interests me is Willow. The way Celeste talks about her, you’d think she was some timid little mouse, but what I see before me is a strong young woman, prepared to give a man twice her size absolute hell.

“Are you fucking serious?” Willow demands. “You were his friend.”

“It’s not what you think, Willow.” Harrington straightens his back, ready to take control of the situation. “But we’re not going to discuss it here. Go home. We’ll talk there.”

“Home? You’ve got to be kidding me.”


He steps closer, and she slaps him across the face so hard his head turns to the side. The sound of her palm meeting his cheek echoes around us. Seems she got him good.

“Don’t speak to me, you lying bastard.”

She turns and walks away with the regal bearing of a queen. Damn, I did not realize the girl had such fire in her. I was interested in her before, but now I know I have to have her. After months of dating the insipid offspring of the town’s elite, I’ve finally met someone worthy of my time. She turned me down at the diner, but I liked that. It means she’ll be a challenge.

“Well, coach,” I say as Harrington turns and realizes I’m still there watching his life unravel. “Looks like you’ve got family shit to deal with.”

As I walk past him, I grin. I get into my car and fire the ignition, enjoying the deep roar of the engine. I’ll let Willow have tonight to get over whatever emotional stuff is going on in her head right now, but tomorrow, I’m claiming my queen.