“Fuck you, too!” No goodbye. I’m sorry. Not even a, thanks for the memories, not that he remembers me.

Saxon is by my side in two huge strides. When I peer up at him and see that his eyes are no longer filled with annoyance, a tear spills down my cheek. His face contorts in pain before he wipes it away with this thumb.

“What h-have I-I done?” I manage to choke out, the consequences of my actions hitting home. “I hate him!”

“No, you don’t. Breathe, Lucy. It’s just a bad day. Not a bad life.”

“It feels like I’m having a lot of bad days lately.” I sniff, biting my lip to stop the tears.

He sighs, his fists clenched by his sides. “We’re going out,” he suddenly declares.


“You heard me. We’re going to forget this bad day and the ones before it ever existed.”

“The only way that’ll happen is if copious amounts of alcohol are consumed.”

Moving closer, he hesitantly brushes back a stray strand of hair which drapes across my brow. The contact feels good, comforting.

When the engine of my Jeep roars to life, Saxon smiles. “I’ll drive.”


I have no idea wherewe’re going, as Saxon is being awfully secretive about where he’s taking me. The only hint he disclosed was I had to wear my cowboy boots.

It’s a warm night so I’ve decided to wear my short denim shorts and blue and white plaid shirt. I’ve tied it Daisy Duke style because if I’m going to wear my boots, then I’ve got to go the whole hog.

My hair is loose and I’m wearing barely any makeup. As I reach for my cherry ChapStick off the dresser, I freeze, deciding to wear my peach one instead. Grabbing the essentials, I stuff everything into my bag and I head outside.

Locking the front door, I smile when I see Saxon leaning up against his bike. He’s looking less festive in blue jeans, a gray fitted t-shirt, and motorcycle boots. As I bound down the stairs, I promise myself that tonight, I will try and forget about Sam. I know it’ll be virtually impossible, but I’ll try my best.

Saxon whistles as I walk towards him. He tips his baseball cap mockingly. “Howdy, ma’am,” he says in the lamest country accent.

I can’t help but laugh. “There is no way I’m riding that thing,” I say, shaking my head.

Saxon smirks. “Yes, you are. Get on.”

“You’re so bossy,” I mumble under my breath.

He passes me a black helmet before mounting the beastly bike with ease. I watch as he straddles it, shuffling forward to give me minimal room on the back.

“You want me to sit there?” I ask, horrified, pointing at the tiny space behind him.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall,” he confidently replies, removing his baseball cap and slipping his helmet on.

Taking a courageous breath, I slip the helmet on before very awkwardly climbing onto the motorcycle. I instantly press my chest to Saxon’s back and grip around his waist like a spidermonkey, clinging on for dear life.

He chuckles, the sound vibrating through my fingers. “Ready?”


“Hold on tight,” he sarcastically quips once the engine roars to life. I yelp.

With one last throttle, Saxon takes off and my body jars backward with the force. I can feel his hardened abs underneath my fingers, and the faster he goes, the tighter I squeeze, afraid I’m going to fall off.

He steers the bike down the driveway and before I know it, we’re on open road. As we ride through the quiet streets, a sense of freedom overwhelms me, and I feel like someone other than me. It’s similar to how I felt when riding Potter bareback and into the darkened night.

Every inch of my body is telling me to close my eyes, but I don’t. Tonight is about forgetting because my woes will still be there tomorrow. I take in the sights around me, feeling like I’m flying as the night sky passes me by. Wheat, corn, and potato farms are our backdrop for the ride, however when Saxon takes a left, we’re surrounded by fields filled with hundreds of sunflowers.