The towering yellow plants take my breath away, their beauty reminding me of a forever summer, mingled with constant happiness. It’s absurd to think a simple flower can make me happy, but I’ll forever associate them with this night.

We ride for countless moments, but I don’t care. The further away we go, the easier it is to forget why we’re here. Feeling a little more confident, I loosen my grip around Saxon, relishing in the way the air whips at my face, shooting a charge throughout my body.

I’ve driven this road a thousand times before, but somehow, it feels like my first time. When Saxon picks up the speed, I scream, but not in terror. No, I scream in excitement.

“Faster!” I yell to be heard over the whipping wind. Saxon obliges and pushes this beast to full speed.

I know it’s incredibly dangerous riding this way, but I trust Saxon one hundred percent. The way he handles himself on a motorcycle is similar to how he carries himself—with confidence, elegance, and control.

As I’m nestled against his back, my arms secured around his strong form, I can’t help but think back to our kiss. I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop. From the very beginning, Saxon has given me a sense of freedom. I was so busy comparing him to Samuel, but they are worlds apart. The way he makes me feel isn’t the way Sam does, or did. With Saxon, I feel…alive. And I feel free.

Saxon turns down a dirt road, gravel kicking up as he zooms towards a glowing hue. The closer we get, I come to realize the glowing hue is actually a lit up old barn. The imposing wooden building however isn’t your average barn. The tall white sign out front with red letters reveals just exactly where we are.


The patrons out front are dressed in cowboy boots, hats, and western style shirts, laughing rowdily while drinking beer. The loud country music cuts through the night air and as the door is an open panel, I can see people dancing inside.

Saxon pulls the bike over, reversing into a spot by a beat up old Chevy. Once he kills the engine, I take a moment to catch my breath. I attempt to dismount without falling onto my face. My head feels like it weighs a thousand pounds as I look around at my surreal surroundings. Peering inside, I see a horde of people in a line, dancing.

I turn around so quickly to look at Saxon, I almost give myself whiplash. “Is this a honky-tonk bar?” I can’t hide my excitement.

Saxon chuckles as he runs a hand through his mussed hair, reminding me that like an idiot, I’m still wearing my helmet. Before I have a chance to unbuckle it however, he strides forward and pins me with a heart stopping stare as he unfastens the strap from under my chin.

He works with deft fingers, the soft contact buttering my skin with goose pimples. I lick my lips, tasting peach. As he slips the helmet from my head, I smile, but his gaze is filled with a look I’ve come to know. It’s a look that can only lead to trouble.

“First round’s on me,” I say, clearing my throat to break the palpable tension. This is not how friends behave. Saxon snaps from his lusty trance, and nods.

Sawbuck is exactly how I envisioned a honky-tonk bar would look. The huge bar, stocked with every alcohol imaginable to mankind, runs down the length of the wall to the right. Neon Budweiser signs sitting in cowboy boots with spurs and Bud Light signs are scattered around the enormous room, highlighting what the beer of choice is for these thirsty patrons.

When Saxon points towards the ceiling, I stifle a laugh behind my hand as I see tattered cowboy boots and hats dangling from the wooden rafters. Fairy lights are tangled amongst the creativity, setting off the lively atmosphere perfectly.

We wait in line patiently, while I can’t stop taking in the sights. Wooden barrels line the front of the stage where a five piece band is playing an upbeat country song. Behind them are black and white photographs of John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Johnny Cash. Large wagon wheels are nailed to the walls, complementing the rustic vibe.

“This place is amazing,” I shout to be heard over the electric banjo. “How on earth did I not know it existed?”

Saxon shrugs his brawny shoulders. He’s too polite to say what we both know to be true. Samuel wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this, and because this isn’t really his scene, it wasn’t mine, either. Saying it aloud in my head, I realize how pathetic I sound.

“Is everything all right?” Saxon asks, narrowing his eyes playfully. “You look like you’re about to punch somebody and seeing as I’m the closest person within reach—I won’t lie, I fear for my life.”

And just like that, I feel my rage lessening.

The pretty bartender wipes down the bar before asking what we want. “I’ll have a Budweiser. Lucy?” Saxon looks down at me while I bite my lip.

Looking over at the specials board, I realize I may as well be reading Swahili as none of it makes any sense. Remembering an episode ofSex and the CityI watched when Samuel was away for the weekend, I smile. “I’ll have a Cosmopolitan. Thank you.”

* * * * *

No wonder Carrie and the gang got hooked on these drinks. They are delicious. They are also very, very potent. That might explain some of Samantha’s poor life choices.

“How about we get you some water?” Saxon suggests, subtly yanking the cocktail glass out from under me.

“Hey!” I yell, making grabby hands for it. “I was drinking that.”

We’re sitting around a barrel, my alcoholism openly staring at me as I give up on counting the amount of unknown glasses sitting inches away.

“Water,” Saxon firmly repeats, but his lopsided grin tells me he’s enjoying my drunken state. “You got a thing against coasters?”

I try and focus on the blurry Saxon, who points to the table. Peering down with one eye open, I see I’ve made confetti out of my coaster.