“Someone you don’t want to mess with.”
“I know it’s not Tony Gorga, and when he finds out you’re down here—”
“Shut the fuck up.” Frankie backhanded him with the butt of his weapon.
Out of the corner of his eye, Rhett saw his brother Nathan slip into the tent.
Okay. Chris had a pass for not coming to his rescue right now.
“Start walking.” Frankie shoved him.
Rhett raised his hands. “Why don’t you just answer my questions? What difference does it make at this point? You’re just going to shoot me and dump my body on the side of the road for the alligators.”
“We don’t want you. We want Joe Staub. Tell us where he is, and you can go.”
“I’ve been around the block too many times. I know that’s bullshit.” Rhett’s cell buzzed in his hand. He glanced at the screen at what looked like a five-page note.
Nathan:With Chris. Watching. Big news. Gorga has always known about Albert and Melissa. He gave them their freedom a long time ago. They were on his no-bother list. Hector Mortelli took issue with that twenty-seven years ago when he wasn’t allowed to force Joe Staub into helping him set up his business in FL. Gorga has been able to keep him under his thumb until Cole spent time in a federal prison. Keep them talking. Mom’s crossing every—
“Reading a novel?” Angelo reached for Rhett’s phone.
Rhett jerked his hand. “Just some interesting facts about the two of you,” he said. “So, you work for Mortelli and not Gorga. That’s interesting.” Rhett didn’t quite understand what was taking so long for his people to move in, but he was just glad that he hadn’t taken a bullet for his troubles. Because these guys were about to get trigger-happy.
“Where the fuck are you getting your facts, and what the hell is it to you?” Angelo pushed his weapon harder into Rhett’s ribs.
Nathan stepped from the tent. Chris was right behind him but crouched down, and he quickly ducked behind the Jeep while Nathan strolled down the street.
The sound of a twig cracking caught his attention. He did his best not to jerk his focus.
Emmerson hid in the trees in his uniform, weapon drawn.
Emmett was somewhere close.
It was about to go down.
Whatever they needed to make sure the legal aspects were taken care of, and he didn’t get caught in the crossfire…he was good with it.
“I’d appreciate it if you took that fucking thing out of my side.” Rhett took a step back.
Nathan double-timed it with his weapon pressed against his leg.
A police car came around the south side of the bend. Another around the north side. People scattered.
Angelo grabbed Rhett and pressed his gun into his temple.
Rhett lifted his hands. “You’re making a big fucking mistake,” he said through gritted teeth.
Frankie aimed his weapon toward Nathan. “Don’t come any closer, or this asshole dies.”
“There’s no way out,” Nathan said. “This entire campground is surrounded.”
Rhett swallowed. He wouldn’t feel like this was over until he no longer felt something cold and hard against his body.
Emmerson made himself known. “Drop the weapon,” he said.
Emmett rolled his patrol car to a stop. He eased from behind the wheel. “Release Rhett and place your guns on the ground. We’re not going to ask you again.”
“Shit,” Angelo muttered. He gave Rhett a good shove.