Page 66 of Mine to Protect

Thank God. Before anything went crazy, Rhett snagged Angelo’s weapon. He had half a mind to smack the fucker across the face. But that wouldn’t get Rhett anywhere but maybe a good lecture from his brothers.

And, ultimately, his mother.

“I’ll take that.” Nathan took both Frankie’s and Angelo’s guns.

Emmerson took out his handcuffs, as did Emmett.

Chris came out from behind the Jeep and strolled across the street.

“There’s that little fucking asshole.” Angelo lurched forward.

“Not a good idea.” Nathan got in his way, holding him back. “Read these two their rights and get them out of here.”

“On it,” Emmett said. “See you guys later.” He slapped the metal bracelets on Frankie.

Emmerson took care of the other goon.

Rhett rolled his neck, giving it a good rub.

“You all right, little brother?” Nathan slapped his shoulder.

“Fucking wonderful,” Rhett said. “How was your vacation?”

“It was great. But, damn, does a lot of stuff happen while I’m gone. Like Mom told me you’re all in love or some shit.”

“Yeah. With my sister.” Chris joined them in front of the RV. “I didn’t intervene because your brothers told me not to.”

“I get that.” Rhett inhaled sharply, letting the breath out slowly. “I have a headache. What the hell is going on? Is Tony Gorga not involved?”

“He is, and he isn’t. But I came to this party late. I literally landed at two in the morning and Ma was knocking on my door first thing. Why don’t we head to the station and get all the answers you want? I know Mom wants to talk with this guy.”

“I want to see my sister,” Chris said. “Before I spend hours having conversations with police, the feds, whoever.”

“I can make that happen.” Rhett lowered his chin and raised a brow, staring at Nathan.

“Fine. I’ll go to the station. You take Chris back to your place, but don’t make her wait too long.”

“I won’t. I promise.” Rhett grabbed Chris by the back of the neck and led him toward the Jeep. “If you ever make your sister worry about you like that again, I’m going to be the one lettingyoustand with a gun pressed to your side.”

“That’s fair,” Chris said. “But if you hurt my sister, I won’t hesitate to be the one—”

“Yeah. This chest pounding could go on all day.” Rhett laughed as he climbed behind the steering wheel.

“Is your mom really hiring?”

“Finish your degree, go through the training, and don’t piss her off, and she’ll hire you.” Rhett turned and smiled. “If I tell her to.”

“I’m going to like living in Lighthouse Cove.”

Rhett would like hanging out with Chris.

* * *

Shelby saton the edge of the pool with her feet dangling in the warm water. The sun beat down on her face.

Her brother sat next to her, sipping from a bottle of water. “I hate it when you’re this quiet. It always means you’re super angry,” he said.

“I’m only upset about one thing.” During the last hour, Miles had kept her informed of every detail. She appreciated his honesty, and she knew it came from Rhett.