Page 82 of Mine to Keep

“Probably.” He kissed her lips. It was soft and tender and reminded her of warm cider. “Is she done yet? I was hoping to get that morning treat you mentioned.”

Jamison gently laidZadie in her bassinet. “Are you going to stay asleep so Mommy and I can have a little romantic time this morning?” He rubbed Zadie’s belly for a long moment, just to make sure the little girl stayed passed out.

Sure enough, Zadie’s eyes remained closed.

He raced back to the master bedroom and was happy to find Bryn still in bed.


Waiting for him with open arms.

Never in a million years had he expected to find someone so perfectly matched to him, and he didn’t even know everything there was to know. Still, he understood the basics.

Her favorite foods. The music she liked. How she enjoyed watching the sun rise on the beach. She loved reading mysteries but preferred listening to non-fiction in audiobooks. However, it all seemed a bit superficial. He wanted to know the things that really excited her on a deeper level. The things that made her tick. What riled her up and made her heart beat a little faster.

“Did you turn the monitor back on?” she asked.

He double-checked the receiver after climbing between the sheets. “Yup.” He pulled her body tight against his, enjoying her silky skin.

He’d enjoyed the company of a few beautiful women over the years, but no one had ever been as amazingly sexy and sweet as Bryn. She was, in his humble opinion, the perfect woman. Sure, she probably had a flaw or two, though for the life of him he couldn’t think of a single one.

And he wasn’t going to try to find any.

He would enjoy being blissfully unaware.

“Are you sure you don’t mind me hanging out here tonight?”

“Um. Why would I mind? I’m going to be here.” He chuckled.

“What about tomorrow when you’re not here?”

He kissed her sweet lips. “You and Zadie are welcome to stay here. I want you to. Actually, I’d feel better if you did.”

She jerked her head back. “Why? Is there something wrong with my place?”

“No.” He dropped his head to her shoulder. “That didn’t come out right. I just mean that I want you to have the pool, the hot tub, the soaking bath where you can enjoy bubbles while you watch television after putting Zadie down.”

“You’re spoiling me.”

“Isn’t that what boyfriends are for?”

She curled her fingers around his length and squeezed.

He hissed.

She pressed her lips against the center of his chest.

His breathing became labored. He ran his fingers through her hair and relaxed into the bed. “Are you going to have your way with me this morning?”

“That’s the plan.” She licked his nipple, rolling her tongue over the tight nub.

He fisted her hair, tugging slightly.

She squeezed harder.

He groaned.

“You don’t have to do this.”