Page 35 of The Renegade

Rhys scowled at his twin. “Don’t even start. Jacob doesn’t need to be involved in our petty family squabbles.”

“There’s nothing petty about it, but go on with your lesson. I’m ready to get started on my work for the day. Consider yourself warned, Jacob. Rhys is known for being a hard-assed teacher.”

Rhys snorted as he watched his brother walk out. “Don’t mind him. He and Grant… They’ve had their differences, but they love each other.”

“It’s fine. Rogue’s been nothing but a good friend to me. And Grant…” There was nothing about my relationship with Grant I wanted to talk about with his brother.

“Grant certainly seems to like you a lot,” Rhys said.

I shrugged. “He wants to keep me safe.”

“You think he just picks out random boys and decides to protect them?”

“No, I guess not, but that’s really all there is.”

“If that’s what he’s told you, he’s lying to you and probably also to himself. Come on out to the barn.”

“I need to clean up in here first, but I’ll join you as soon as I can.”

I hurried through cleaning the kitchen, not letting myself think about the implications of what Rhys had said. If Grant wanted more, he wouldn’t have put up a wall between us.

* * *

It was wonderful to be on a horse again. Rhys was a patient teacher, not at all the hard-ass Rogue warned me about, though he did have high expectations and made me want to work hard to meet them. By the end of the lesson, I was comfortable trotting again and felt ready for more.

The thought of racing over the hills and along the trails around the ranch made my heart soar. Of course, Grant had told me not to leave the house unless I was with him or one of his brothers. Maybe if I got good enough to be cleared for a trail ride, Rogue would go with me.

“I’m impressed,” Rhys said as I walked Biscuit back to the barn to untack her. “You know how to work with the horse, not against her. You’ll be a fine rider in no time.”

I ran my hand along Biscuit’s neck. “I’ve always loved horses. I just haven’t been able to ride since my grandparents died.”

“Well, now’s your chance.”

But not for long. Surely, Grant wasn’t going to keep me here for more than a few weeks. He’d be tired of watching over me by then, and hopefully, Trey would find someone or something else to focus on. I still wasn’t sure what Grant meant by dealing with my problem. I should ask, but did I really want to know?

As we walked into the barn, Rogue came running up behind us. I could tell by his expression something was wrong.

“The guy is back, the one that was watching the place before. Madison saw him, and he’s got someone else with him up in the hills.”

“Are we going after them?” Rhys asked.

“I don’t know. I guess that’s up to us with Grant gone.”

“Then the answer is yes, but I want you to take Jacob back to the house. Stay there with him.”

“I’m as capable of taking this guy out as you are.”

“You’re a damn fine shot, Ri, but you haven’t had years in the marines to hone your skills, and we need questions answered, not a body on our hands.”

“I’m not—”

“Keeping Jacob safe is the most important thing to Grant.”

“I’ll be fine in the house,” I interjected. “I’ll stay there and—”

“No.” They answered simultaneously.

“For one thing,” Rhys said, “Grant would murder us if we left you alone. And you shouldn’t be on your own. You never signed up for this.”