Page 36 of The Renegade

Rogue nodded. “I got you into this. I’m going to keep you safe.”

“Y’all get to the house. I’ll meet up with Madison and Colton. Where’s TJ?”

“He’s already out there with them,” Rogue said.

“Good. We might need him. Everyone here is trained to defend themselves, but that’s a hell of a lot different from having the skills he does.”

A distant series of shots startled all of us.

“Shit.” Rhys grabbed a gun that had been stashed on a high shelf.

“Never mind going to the house. Just stay here,” he ordered before taking off.

I shivered as I watched him go. “Wouldn’t we be safer in the house?”

“There’s too much open ground between here and there.”

“You don’t think Trey sent these guys here, do you? I don’t want to cause trouble for you.”

“That’s what we’re here for. If we didn’t like trouble, we would never have agreed to run the ranch.”

“But I’m not a real guest here. I can’t afford to pay you anything. This kind of protection can’t be cheap.”

“It’s not. The other guests are paying us plenty, so we can afford to take care of you too.”

I still didn’t like the idea that I could’ve brought this trouble down on them. “What if I led these men here? That will compromise everyone.”

“I don’t think this is Trey, or if it is, he’s not just here for you.” He took my arm. “Come on. We don’t want to be out in the open in case any of them make it to the barn.”

“Do you really think that’s going to happen?”

“I hope not but maybe.” I trusted Rogue, and I knew Grant did too, or he wouldn’t have told me I could leave the house with him. But right then, I wanted Grant with me.

“When’s Grant coming back?”

Rogue gave me his most charming smile. “I really do know how to shoot, you know. And I also have an advantage. I’m basically fearless. It comes with the territory, being a bull rider and all.”

“I don’t want you getting hurt for me.”

“It’s a hell of a lot better than getting hurt for the glory of saying I stayed on a bull.”

I smiled. “I guess it is.”

“Come on. Let’s find the best place to hunker down until Rhys gives us the all-clear.”



As soon as I turned onto the ranch’s drive the hairs on the back of my neck rose. It was way too quiet, and something felt off. If something had happened, why hadn’t anyone called me? I hadn’t expected to be back so early. I’d intended to spend the rest of the day in Houston, but I couldn’t stand leaving Jacob alone that long. Not that he was actually alone. I knew my brothers would take care of him, but I wanted to be there. He was mine to protect.

The sound of gunfire had me flooring the gas. Gravel flew from under my tires as I pulled into the parking area by the house. I leaped from my truck, not even bothering to close the door. I needed proof Jacob was safe.

“Jacob?” I got no response, so I checked his room, then made my way through the rest of the house, calling out for him several times. He wasn’t there.

My heart hammered in my chest. I heard another shot.Please God, don’t let Jacob be out there somewhere, hurt or… worse.

I headed toward the barn. It was the next safest place. If he needed to hide, I hoped he would have gone there.