Page 64 of The Renegade

“What training have I had except for life experience?” Rogue said.

“Anyone willing to put themselves on the back of an angry bull has already made their choice. They’re stupid enough to jump into danger without considering the consequences.”

For a moment, I thought I’d pushed too far. Rogue and I had gone round and round about his interest in the rodeo, and we’d never settled things between us, but after a moment of tense silence, he started laughing. “I can’t really argue with that, but Jacob followed you out of a bar, so apparently, he’s pretty willing to walk into danger too.”

Jacob grinned. “That’s for damn sure.”

“I told you I’d never hurt you.”

“And I trusted you, so trust me now.”

“Talk about people who need to get a room,” Rhys said.

“Right,” TJ responded.

The two of them laughed together, and I realized Rhys getting his heart broken wasn’t the only reason I didn’t want them to pair up. The two of them working together would be hell.

“Let Jacob help,” Rhys said. He was using his serious, Grant-you’re-out-of-line tone.

I looked at Jacob, and he mouthed. “Please.”

“Talking only and here in the house.”

“I can do that.”

I would get someone to watch over him anytime I couldn’t be there. I was not going to let him get hurt.

We finished discussing strategy, then I went to my office to call X. I needed help, and I was going to ask for it directly, not go through TJ.



Iwatched Grant go. I’d never seen him look as apprehensive as he did. His jaw was clenched, and his mouth was a tight line. How worried was he about calling X? His brothers had assured him the call would go fine, and TJ had said X would be expecting him to reach out, but he’d still looked, if not afraid, at least daunted.

Grant hadn’t done anything wrong. He’d done everything he could to protect the ranch and everyone there. Was he expected to know one of his clients was potentially betraying him? Wasn’t X the one who’d sent Evan to stay at the ranch? He should have vetted him better.

I busied myself clearing up the kitchen. Rhys and Rogue headed out, and TJ actually pitched into help.

“Take care of Grant,” he said as he wiped down the counters.

“Don’t you mean that the other way around?”

He shook his head. “He’s been through hell. He probably doesn’t realize how much of his story I know, but I always do my research before heading into an unknown situation.”

“Did you ask X about him?”

He grinned. “How much do you know about X?”

“I met him.”

“And you still chose to hook up with Grant?”

“I was under the impression X had a man.”

TJ grinned. “He does, and it’s serious. I was just teasing.”

“I would have chosen Grant anyway. X is hot as hell but in this untouchable way.”