Page 63 of The Renegade

I didn’t want to feel sympathy for Evan, but I knew Jacob was right. Evan had been forced into his position by birth. He wouldn’t have chosen any of this. Did that mean I wanted to forgive him? I wasn’t sure.

“I want to try to talk to him,” Jacob said.

The thought turned my stomach. “Hell no. You need to stay well away from him. We don’t know what kind of plan he’s cooking up.”

“He’s probably not planning anything,” Rhys said. “He’s just doing what he’s told.”

“Double-crossing us. That’s what he’s being told to do. Any of us out there could have been shot by the fucking FBI. You get that, right?”

Jacob interrupted before Rhys could answer. “You need to keep a close eye on him, but he’s not going to trust any of you, especially now that one of the agents was killed. He’s probably afraid to make contact with anyone else. I’m an outsider here. He doesn’t know the details of…” Jacob looked at me, obviously not sure how much he could say.

“Evan doesn’t know about our relationship.”

Rogue stared at me, stunned. TJ laughed, and Rhys just shook his head. “I don’t need any commentary on that from any of you. Jacob’s mine. He’s staying here, and I’m going to protect him.”

“Are you going to piss on him too to stake your claim?” Rogue asked.

I took a step toward him, and Jacob grabbed my arm. “Let it go. He’s just being an ass. Apparently, that’s how the two of you relate.”

“You’ve always been too serious for your own good,” Rogue said.

“And where would you be if I hadn’t been?”

“Not the time.” Rhys used the exact same tone I’d taken with him.

I nodded. “Fine, but I don’t want Jacob involved in this.”

“He’s got a point, though,” TJ said. “The kid will likely trust him. He might even give a full confession.”

“I don’t want you in any more danger.” I held Jacob’s gaze as I spoke.

“How much danger will I be in if I stay here in the house and just talk to him? I have a good chance of getting information without putting myself in harm’s way.”

“The plan does make sense,” Rhys said.

“So you agree with me?” TJ asked, looking very smug.

“Even assholes are right occasionally.”

“You’ll eventually learn I’m right about a hell of a lot of things.”

The tension between the two of them was out of control. I didn’t trust TJ with my brother, but I also knew Rhys wasn’t immune to what he was putting out, no matter how much he tried to act like it. That was a problem I’d have to solve later.

“Jesus.” Rogue had a disgusted look on his face. “Either get a room, go outside and fight, or shut up.”

As they both glared at him, Jacob pushed back his seat. “Is anyone else hungry? I thought I’d make us some lunch while we finish talking.”

“I’m starving,” TJ said, eyes still on Rhys.

Rhys rolled his eyes. “That would be great, Jacob. Thanks.”

“It’s what I’m here for, especially if I’m not going to be able to be useful in other ways.”

Did he have to use that sassy tone of voice? Maybe I should drag him to my room, spank his ass until it was red and aching, then fuck him hard and deep. Shit, I really had to stop thinking like that when I couldn’t follow through.

Rogue laughed. “Just let him do his part, G. He’s one of us now. You might as well bring him all the way in.”

“He’s not had training, and he’s in—”