Ra fought with a fury he’d never felt before. One foe after another fell at his feet from the wrath of his blade and the rage of his fire. He had no idea who the female was that the dark fire elemental had thrown into the underworld, but he knew that something about her called to him. The minute he’d heard her voice, he’d been trapped in a spell, unable to tear his eyes from hers. Now, she was gone, and all he could think about was destroying those who had hurt her and then going afterher.

He was dimly aware of the fighting going on all around him. He was surprised to see so many acolytes from the four disciplines working together. The earth elementalists from the academy were fighting hard, but they weren’t used to dealing with the other disciplines, and it showed. Neither was he, for that matter. An air acolyte zipped past him, caught up on the breeze. She threw out a fist as she passed, clubbing him on the side of the head. He snarled and hurled a fireball at her, but it was too late. She didn’t come back around to engage. Instead, she flew out of sight into the treetops. Another acolyte ran toward him, sword drawn. Ra put both hands on the pommel of his sword, uttered a spell, and thrust the sword outward. A huge column of fire shot out toward the oncoming man. The acolyte mimicked Ra’s gesture, and a fountain of water erupted from the man’s sword, meeting Ra’s column of fire halfway between them. There was a mighty hiss as an enormous plume of steam erupted from the two spells, blinding Ra, and most likely everyone aroundhim.

He blinked his eyes trying to clear his vision. When he did, he saw the cloud of steam still hanging in the air. He smelled something then … brimstone. A rending, snarling sound came from inside the cloud of steam. Then he realized the steam had turned into a thick cloud of choking smoke. He heard fighting and cursing all aroundhim.

When the smoke finally started to dissipate, Ra saw a large figure within it. He soon realized the figure was a fire element, its massive body writhing in flames. The thing’s eyes were as black as coal. It looked like a bonfire made into the crude form of a human man. The elemental's hand flew out and another portal opened. The acolytes who were still alive all turned and ran for the portal.Ra saw Tucker, the snake who started all this, jump through the portal and disappear. Elias ran up behind him but skidded to a stop when he saw the giant fireelemental.

The elemental waved its hand, and a giant wall of fire sprang up around it. Ra knew he could pass through it to give chase, but the earth elementalist wouldn’t be able to without the proper protection spells. Even in his rage, he knew it would be foolish to attempt to take on the dark elemental or to go through theportal.

“This is not over,” the fire elemental said, his voice so sinister that Ra felt it in his soul. It burned him from the inside out. And he imagined that what his friends felt was evenworse.

Just as quickly as he appeared, the fire elemental was gone. The portal closed, and nothing but a wisp of smoke remained. The woods went quiet. And Ra let out a scream of primalrage.

* * *

The headmaster,headmistress, a handful of students, warriors, professors, Jax, Zuri, Liam, Aston, Elias, Tara, and Ra met in the great hall of the earthacademy.

“What can be done?” Tara asked. “How do we get herback?”

Ra stepped forward. “Only a fire elemental or elementalist can enter the underworld. I will go after yourfriend.”

“Why was she unconscious?” Tara askedhim.

“The fire acolyte put a spell on her. A form of protection for her physical form so she won’t die while in theunderworld.”

“Ra…” Elias started, but Ra held up a hand to stop hisfriend.

“I will get her back, and if I cannot, then I will stay with her.” He looked at Tara and placed his hand over his heart. “I give my word as a warrior. I promise this to you, and if I fail, then may I forfeit the inheritance promised me in the afterlife by my Egyptianancestors.”

Elias, Aston, and Liam all spoke at the same time. “Ra,” “No,” “Don’t,” they said. He knew they understood what he was willing to giveup.

“Thank you, Ra,” Tara said as tears spilled from hereyes.

Elias wrapped his female in his arms and bowed his head to Ra. “I owe you a lifedebt.”

“Based on what I saw today, I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities to pay up. The dark elementals are done working in secret. They are ready to go towar.”

“I agree,” Terrick, the headmaster, said. “It is time we meet with the other academies and beseech the kings and queens as well. We need to work together if we are to stand againstthem.”

Jax spoke next. He looked at Liam, Ra, and Aston. “Each of you is to go back to your respective academies and let your leaders know what has happened.” He then looked at the instructors who had come with them. “Can each of you begin to call your warriors from around theworld?”

They nodded inunison.

Terrick looked at Ra and said, “Whatever assistance we can offer you and Crimson Academy will beyours.”

Ra nodded and then looked at his three brothers. “I’m assuming you each will want to be there when I crossover?”

The three malesnodded.

“Very well. I will contact you when it is time.” A second later, his instructor opened a fire portal, and they walked throughit.

Ra stepped onto the grounds of Crimson Academy and looked up. His headmaster and headmistress were waiting forthem.

His jaw clenched as he spoke. “War is coming. And I am going to the underworld after afemale.”

* * *

Tara was surprisedto find out she’d already been assigned her own bedroom in anticipation of her recruitment as a student. Now, she lay on her bed, emotionally and physically exhausted. Her head hurt from all the crying, and her heart hurt evenmore.