Elias hadn’t left her side. He didn’t stop touching her, holding her hand, stroking her hair, offering both of themcomfort.

But now, Tara saw his head drop forward. His shoulders slumped. Shefrowned.


He dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her stomach. The movement was so fast Tara gasped. Her hands instinctively went to his hair, and she began to run her fingers throughit.

“There are no words for how sorry I am Shelly has been hurt and taken,” he said, his voice muffled because of his face pressing against her. “You have every right to hate me, but I couldn’t let you go. I don’t know what I would have done if Tucker had gotten his hands onyou.”

Tara wasn’t angry anymore. She was devastated, but the entire day she’d been feeling all of Elias’s emotions because of their soul bond, and it was breaking her. The anguish he felt because of what had happened wastorture.

“I’m not angry,” she said. “It’s not your fault. The only one at fault isTucker.”

“And he didn’t pay for what he did. But he will, luv, I promise youthat.”

“Zuri said the battle was intense. She said she’d never seen you fight with such focus and ruthlessness. She spoke like a proudmother.”

Elias chuckled. “I was trying so hard to figure out a way to get Shelly from him before he could hurt her. There were archers moving into place on the mountain, but we didn’t bring them in fast enough. It’s been a very long time since we’ve had an enemy show up at the academydoor.”

“Will Ra be able to get her back?” Tara asked as she continued to stroke his hair. She could feel him relax a little, and she liked knowing she could give him thatcomfort.

“If anyone can, it’s him. Ra is one of the best fighters I’ve ever seen. He’s relentless. He meant it when he said he’d get her back or stay with her. Which essentially meant he would die withher.”

Tara swallowed the bile that rose up in her throat at the thought of losing Shelly. It would killher.

“I can feel your exhaustion,” Elias said as he looked up at her. “You need rest. We all do. We won’t be worth anything if we don’t keep up ourstrength.”

He was right. But there were also other things that had to be dealtwith.

“What about Carol and Shelly’s parents?” sheasked.

“Terrick and Itterra have gone to them,” hesaid.

Tara’s eyes widened. “Seriously? What are they going todo?”

“Tell them the truth. The headmaster and mistress respect the fact that Shelly is their daughter, and they deserve to know what’s happened, as does Carol. They will cast protection spells on them, but neither Carol nor Shelly’s parents will be allowed to come here. It would put them in too muchdanger.”

“Will I be able to talk tothem?”

Elias nodded. “You can call them first thing in the morning. Right now, I think you’re about to drop.” He stood and picked her up, cradling her in his strong arms. He walked over to a door and stepped inside. It was a bathroom. He set her on her feet and pointed to a cabinet. “Towels are in there. Take a shower. I’ll bring you some clothes. I’ll take one while you’re getting ready and then I’ll beback.”

Her brow rose. “Back?”

“I’ll sleep on the floor if you want, though I’d prefer to hold you. But I won’t leave you. You’re mine, Tara. We belong together. We are stronger together. You will realize that when we complete the bond and start using our magictogether.”

He left without another word. Tara’s voice was stuck in her throat. It sounded like he’d made up his mind that they were going to be married or something. Part of that made her giddy, and part of it freaked her the hell out. They were so young. How could you commit to a person you barely knew? But then, how could shenotwhen she also knew he was her soul mate, her perfect match? She wanted him and she neededhim.

Tara continued to think as she showered. When she got out, she saw a stack of folded clothes waiting for her. She shivered at the idea of Elias coming into the bathroom while she’d been naked. But then again, maybe it had been Zuri. Tara also noticed her bathroom had been stocked with a variety oftoiletries.

She dressed, brushed her teeth, and combed her wet hair. When she opened the door she found Elias laying on the bed, wearing a pair of sleep pants and noshirt.

Bloody. Hell.She forced her mouth to stay closed. She knew if she didn’t, the gathering drool would come fallingout.

“You’re going to have to put on a shirt,” shesaid.

“Why is that?” Elias asked with a flirty smile on his handsomeface.

“Because your body is too hot for words, and I don’t want to molestyou.”