“What’s up, boss?”
And then there ishisvoice.
“Droga!” A loud rapping on the roof of the cabin comes from above. “Get your ass out here!”
Callie grabs me with both hands. “Kai,” she whispers in panic.
I wish I could tell her I got it. But I don’t.
“We have to go, baby girl,” I say as calmly as possible. And I feel like I am betraying her right now.
“Stay close,” I say, helping her out from behind the crates. “Stay behind me. If anything, I’ll shoot, and you have to stay down. Got it?”
The gun in my hand suddenly feels too hot and heavy as we walk up the steps toward the daylight.
For once, I wish the daylight had brought something besides disappointment.
Archer standson the deck and watches with a sardonic smile as Kai and I emerge out of the cabin.
There are two boats on each side of ours. About ten guards, guns down.
We are surrounded. The boat crew stands back, gaping at us as we step onto the deck.
“What the…?” someone murmurs.
Kai points a gun at Archer and cocks it.
“Easy, Droga.” Archer lifts his hands up mockingly.
He looks like hell—bruised, gaze unfocused.
“You need all these people to chase us down, Crone?” Kai says in an angry voice. “You are getting weak.”
Archer smirks and motions to his minions. “Guns down. No shooting.” He turns to Kai. “You, Droga, are stepping up. Resourceful, I have to give it to you.”
“Don’t patronize me, Crone.”
“And your”—he nods toward me—“flower girl here.” His gaze switches to me as he lowers his hands, and I wish I had a stick so I could poke his eyes out. “Impressive. Sweetheart, where were you four years ago with this determination?”
Kai shifts next to me. He tries to shield me. My heartbeat is in my ears, but I step from behind him and stand next to him, shoulder to shoulder.
“I was a coward and I ran,” I say in a sharp voice, hoping it doesn’t falter. “What’syourexcuse?”
“Tsk-tsk.” Archer nods. “Callie Mays… You are different than I remember.”
“I wish you didn’t remember me at all,” I snap, irritation spiraling inside me.
He snorts. “You wouldn’t be here then. We wouldn’t have all this action. Droga wouldn’t be running around with a fire up his ass.”
Fire. The word makes my blood boil.
Archer takes a step toward us and wobbles.
“Look at you,” Kai hisses. “You are drunk. What happened to you, Crone?”