Page 86 of Petal

Archer tilts his head. “Awe, are you worried, Droga? I’m touched.”

Heisdrunk. Or high. In the daylight, he is not as a good-looking as he always seems. He almost looks like a chemo patient—blood-shot eyes, dark circles under them, face sunken in. It’s scary and worrying. But it doesn’t change how I feel about him.

“Let us go,” I say sharply.

He doesn’t look at me. “Demanding, aren’t we?”

He looks at Kai like I don’t exist. That’s what bothers me. He never faced me. Never apologized to me.

“I am not here for you, sweetheart.” He still doesn’t look at me, though he is talking to me. “You never had the guts to stand up for what is yours.”

I shift forward, but Kai shifts too, trying to keep me behind him.

“And you never had the decency to let anyone have what you couldn’t,” I say.

“Oh!” Now his eyes turn to me.

“You can’t keep ruining our lives, Archer.”

His lips stretch in a smile. “There. Finally. Exceptyouruined it, sweetheart.”

“No.” I shake my head. We never talked about this. We never talked, period. And now it’s time. “You ruined it the day you came to me and told me Kai was going out with Julie. The day you fed me lies, knowing that I would be desperate enough to date your evil ass in order to be close to him.”

“You didn’t mind much when you shoved your tongue down my throat.”

I jerk forward, but Kai stops me.

“Yeah.” Archer’s drunk smile widens.

“I only did it so I could be around Kai. I could get over the gag reflex to having your hands on me if only I could be next to the guy I was in love with.”

His smile fades.

“You knew that we liked each other,” I say, letting the words spill. “And you used it against your best friend. How low is that?” I feel my eyes burn, my heart clench. “You said you had his back, and then you saw the girl he wanted and bluntly used lies to take her away. Wow. Applause for the Chancellor. And then you lost your only friend.”

Archer’s eyes start blazing in a nasty way.

“Yeah, Archer. He was youronlyfriend. You know that. He would’ve moved mountains for you. He was the only one who didn’t drool over your money. Who dismissed your nasty attitude. Who listened to you in your darkest times and had your back in your weakest moments. Youknowthat. No one else was ever loyal to you. And you threw it all away.”

“You destroyed it,” Archer hisses, but with less confidence.

“No, Archer.Youdid. Because you have almost everything you can. Almost. What you can’t have, you take by force. And your ego doesn’t let you be honorable. You are a brilliant man, Archer. That’s no secret. But your weakness is your pride. Pride can guide some people, but it can ruin others. Yours did. Was your pride worth it? Is it ever? Look at you.” I give him a backward nod. “You arepathetic, chasing two people around this island.”

His lips curl in a smirk that looks ugly and somewhat weak. “Look atyou, flower girl. I can end this with a flick of my finger.”

He laughs.

God, do I hate his laughter. I’m done with it. “I can do it right now,” I say, feeling adrenalin shoot through me. “Spare you the effort.”

Kai still holds the cocked gun.

And that’s all I need.

I’m tired of this manhunt.

I want peace.

I want Kai.