Page 106 of Outcast

“Everyone keep calm,” Bo says, his voice is calm and measured. “We can resolve this peacefully. Let the girls go, and you can go where you came from.”

There are crunches behind us. Many. I know there are guys behind us. I pray Ty doesn’t do anything stupid because of Dani. We are on it. And as long as the Savages don’t fuck up—

“Put your guns down,” the one holding Callie growls, and she whimpers as he presses the knife closer to her throat.

Fury spikes through me. I want to blow his brains out, shoot him to mush, rip his throat out with my teeth.

I see red.

I want to shoot the motherfucker in the face.

But he has her.

And she is the only thing I care about right now.

“Drop. The fucking. Guns,” the nasty baseball hat growls.

“Bo?” I say quietly.

He lowers his gun slowly. “Let them go,” he says in his calm low voice. Fuck, he can be a negotiator alright. “It’s a long way from home. And we’ll track you. All. The way. Down.”

My eyes are on the guy and the knife.

And then there is a movement.

It’s a flicker.

Callie’s leg rises and bends at the knee, and her foot rams back into the guy’s crotch.

He roars. She pushes him away.

In a split second, I aim at the guy who stands by her other side and shoot.

The sound is loud, sharp

“Kai!” she shrieks.

I aim at the other one and shoot.

Then I dart toward her to cover her from whatever might come and pull her in my arms, shielding her, yanking her away from the fucker that held her, and pull her onto the ground.

And all hell breaks loose.



The soundof the shots is deafening.

Something wraps around me and yanks me to the ground.

I am panting.

It’s Kai.

There is another shot, and a scream, and dozens of feet stomp the ground.

There is a commotion, a roar, swearing, and a scream, Dani’s.