Page 105 of Outcast

“Callie!” I roar as I run. Because if she is there for some fun, I don’t care how stupid I look.

“Dani!” I hear a shout behind me, and it’s Ty.

They couldn’t have made it far.

Wind swishes in my ears.

My footsteps thud through my body as I whip up the path, faster and faster.

I will fucking fly if I have to.

And then I see flickers up ahead.

There are people.

Too many.

Figures I don’t recognize.

And then I do as I slow down and someone whips around.

Sheis in his arms.


Her eyes are full of panic. A nasty arm is wrapped around her waist, another hand pressed to her throat. With a knife.

I slow. My gun is up as I approach. It’s one step at a time as I cock the gun and point it at the guy.

He stops, anger in his eyes, his lips curled in a scowl. “You do anything stupid, amigo, and I will slice her pretty neck,” he hisses.

Callie is a shield.

I hear multiple thudding footsteps behind me that slow and stop.

My body is trembling in rage, but my hands are steady like iron bars as I look at the Savage.

My gaze shifts to Callie, who is staring at me wide-eyed.

Don’t move, baby girl.

I look at the thug again.

He is scared. But he has a knife. The fucker thinks he can get away.


“Let them go!” the voice behind me shouts.

It’s Ty.

“Calm down,” I tell him, not taking my eyes off the group ahead—four guys, Callie, and Dani.

Dani looks like she is about to cry. But the guy who holds her doesn’t have a weapon. He doesn’t need it with her. She will snap at the slightest pressure.

Bo passes me, both his hands on the gun that points at the guys. He is slow, careful, knees bent as he crouches toward the guys.

I follow.