I slap a hand to my chest and search the room for him, only to come up empty. His voice tickles my ear a moment later.

“Did you really think I’d leave without saying goodbye?” The whisper is so low I almost don’t make out the words. “I promise you that when I leave this time around, you’ll do more than remember me, love.”

“He’s doing it again,” Lucien grumbles. “First Baxter fucks with her mind. Now Nox is having a go. When is it my turn?”

I glare at him while sensing Nox close by. If I lift my hand, I’m certain I would touch him.

“Come on,” Baxter says. “It’s the middle of the night. Let’s get this over with.” He makes his way to the door. “You could’ve broken into my house in the daytime, Nox.”

The purple eyes appear first, followed by his pearly white teeth set in a grin, and then his full body. “That is true,” he says, “but then I would’ve missed her touching herself.”

I jump down from the bed on the opposite side, my cheeks flaming. No amount of magic can recall this flush of embarrassment. It intensifies when both Lucien and Baxter stop to turn and look at me. Lucien’s gaze turns licentious, and Baxter simply lifts a brow. I drop my head to avoid them.

Only to lift my chin a second later.

I won’t be ashamed. It’s what I wanted, it felt amazing, and it’s my greatest sexual experience to-date. No, that’s not true. The episode in the dining room was.

“You heard him correctly,” I say.

“The sexy display at the table wasn’t enough?” Lucien waggles his brows at me. “Had I known, I would’ve escorted you to bed, little bird.”

“Enough,” Baxter says. His command has an edge to it that causes my spine to straighten. “That’s enough. Everyone downstairs. Now.”

* * *

Nox and Lucien sit next to me on the couch in Baxter’s office, like identical bookends.

“Don’t you want to sit over there?” I ask. “There’s more space.”

“Little bird, you should know I’m of half a mind to put you on my lap.”

Nox nods. “I was thinking the same thing. Only with her pressed against my cock, I won’t be able to concentrate on what Baxter’s saying. Actually, I might not pay attention anyway.”

“Bastard.” Baxter lowers himself in the high-wingback chair across from me, looking like a king on a throne. “Tell me why you’ve come, Nox.”

“I already did. You’re breaking the shields in Alice’s mind.”

“She goes by Adelaide now,” Lucien says.

Nox gives him a curt nod and looks back to Baxter. “If I wanted her to remember, I wouldn’t have put them there in the first place.”

“What are you keeping from me?” I ask, placing my hand lightly on his forearm. “I need to know.”

“No, you don’t.” His purple gaze grows brighter the longer he looks at me. “I’m trying to protect you. There’s nothing in Wonderland for you, except death. The queen will stop at nothing to kill you.”

I retract my hand as if he’s burned me. “Why?”

Nox’s eyes dim. “Jealousy.”

Lucien and Baxter nod as though in agreement, while I sit there with my confusion increasing. “What is there to be jealous of?” I ask. “I don’t want to rule or anything of that sort, so I’m not a threat to her.”

“Oh, but you are, princess.” Baxter tilts his head and studies me without reproach. “The Red Queen has always forced her lovers into her bed, while you merely crook a finger, and men come running. And the queen doesn’t take rejection well.” His mouth turns down, and he clears his throat. “Are you going to reconstruct the shields in the princess’s mind, Nox?”

The man rolls his eyes. “I barely got away with it the first time. How am I supposed to do it again if you, Lucien, and Darius are aware of my plans, hmm?”

Lucien jabs the floor with his cane. “Pardon the fuck out of me, but what did you just say?”

I lean further into the couch’s cushions when the lion at the tip of the cane growls softly. Nox places his hand over mine in a show of comfort. I glance up at him, but his gaze is fixed on Baxter.