The man shakes his head, his brown locks swaying to and fro. “My brother is going to murder you, Nox.”
Beside me, Nox laughs softly. “I’m aware. Not afraid, but definitely aware.”
“Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” I ask. “You’re all speaking about me as if I’m not sitting here. Like it’s not my life you’re making decisions about.”
Nox dips his head in acknowledgment. “Very well, love. The Queen’s Messenger, Darius, uncovered an assassination plot that was supposed to take place at your birthday celebration. Knowing our history together, he told me.”
I hold up a hand. “Our what?”
“Our history as lovers.”
The air in my lungs leaves me in a whoosh and I sag against the couch. I let out a self-deprecating laugh as disbelief surges within me, rendering me stupefied. Despite my memories being blocked, I would think I’d remember something that significant. Especially since it sounds as if it’s been going on for while. “Is there anyone I haven’t slept with?”
Baxter is quick to raise his hand.
Lucien does as well. “I haven’t slept with youyet. I believe the distinction is rather important at this juncture.”
“As you were saying.” I prompt Nox with a flick of the wrist.
“Once Darius told me about the queen’s plan to murder you, I enlisted in his help, along with Baxter’s,” he says. When Baxter gives Nox a look of skepticism, the man continues. “Darius, with my insistence, convinced Baxter to shield your memories.”
“That’s impossible.” Baxter leans forward and rests his forearms on the tops of his thighs, a murderous expression etched into his features. “My brother would have killed me for even trying, let alone condoned it.”
Nox chuckles, drawing my gaze to his perfect teeth. Some of which are more pointed and sharp than normal. “I know,” he says. “That’s where Lucien comes in. He created the illusion that you were creating shields around someone else’s mind, so you and your brother didn’t know. Once the princess couldn’t recall her past, I had Darius create a portal to send her, disguised as someone else, away to safety. Then I had Baxter erase everyone’s memories of the whole ordeal.”
“Oh,” Baxter says on an exhale, “my brother isn’t simply going to kill you. He’s going to fucking murder you, Nox.”
The man shrugs, his purple gaze searching for and lingering on me. “I would do anything to keep you alive, love.” He shifts to look at Baxter. “Besides, once Darius found out that the princess was missing, he kept tabs on her through various portals. It didn’t take him as long as I thought it would to bring her back. I was hoping for more time.”
“For what?” I ask.
“To find a way to kill your mother, of course.”
Itold myself that I’d never drink again, but I think the situation calls for it.
“Excuse me,” I say to the group.
The men watch me as I rise to my feet. The lack of protests is a pleasant surprise. I guess Baxter isn’t concerned with me running away anymore. Although the idea still has merit. But first, I need to learn everything I can about this place.
I walk toward the door in search of the dining room, and after a few wrong turns I locate it. The table has been cleared of all the dirtied dishes, but the wine has been left behind. The thought of Lucien’s teacup, and its contents, enter my mind.
As well as how I drank it.
A flush warms my body, and I indulge in it since I’m alone with my thoughts. Reliving that moment with him and Baxter is exhilarating. It reminds me of how free I felt, of how it was to be desired by not one but two men. Both of whom are devastatingly gorgeous.
After a moment, I pour a full glass, down the wine, and then refill it. Taking the beverage with me, I return to Baxter’s study, my gait not as steady as it was when I left. It doesn’t matter. A relaxed state is what I need.
Tension tries to dig its claws into me once I reach the door. The men’s voices drift to me from inside, but it’s the rapid beating of their hearts and the speedy rushing of their blood that halts my steps. I lean closer, my ear hovering next to the small crack of the partially open door.
“I can’t stop the return of her memories,” Baxter says. “According to Lucien, one has already broken through, and once that happens, the rest will follow. The shield is a cracked vessel, and each memory is a droplet of water adding pressure to the barrier until it’s completely eroded.”
A long exhale and then Nox’s reply. “Figured as much. I knew this day would come, but I’d hoped to be more prepared. Is she of a mind to face her mother?”
A pause.