“I hate to tell you this, butyou’rethe one who sent me into the other realm the first time,” she says. “Nox admitted it when he came to Baxter’s house a couple days ago.”

I nod, my resolve hardening. “I’m going to kill him.”

Her lips twitch. “Baxter said as much.” The mirth that briefly lights up her gaze disappears faster than a sun entering a cloud, blocking the warmth I need. “Please don’t hurt Nox. He said he uncovered an assassination plot the queen devised to kill me. Through you, Baxter, and Lucien, he was able to ensure my safety away from her.”

“The fucker should’ve told me.”

Fury scorches my insides like a forest fire, leaving behind charring and death. If it wasn’t for the desperation in Adelaide’s voice, I’d dismiss her in favor of ending Nox’s life. Anyone who takes her away from me signs a death warrant.

Even the powerful queen.

“I never would’ve brought you here if I’d known,” I say, blowing out a sharp breath. “Why did the others let you come?”

Adelaide shrugs. “It’s not exactly like we were given a choice. Besides, Baxter doesn’t care about me, and I don’t know about Lucien.”

“Are you strong enough to live through a meeting with the queen?”

The harshness of my inquiry has the woman’s lips thinning. “We’ll find out.”

I shake my head, the ends of my hair slapping my face. “That’s not good enough. You have to leave. Now.”

In the blink of an eye, I have my dagger in hand and press the tip to my palm. The pain from the steel cutting into my skin is nothing compared to my fear for Adelaide’s life. Unlike my brother and Lucien, I’m not willing to risk her safety on her ability to handle magic.

“Darius.” She scrambles to her feet. “Don’t.”

Blood wells around the laceration, and I continue to drag the weapon along my palm. The portal must hold during the time it’ll take for me to retrieve my brother and be strong enough to transport the three of us.

My life force will drain from me in more ways than one this evening.

Adelaide reaches for me but stops as soon as her gaze lands on the crimson pooling in the center of my hand. Her pupils dilate with fascination and a hint of lust. She releases a pent-up breath and shivers before looking at me.

“Stop,” she says, her voice more forceful than before. “I can’t leave, not without Nox.”

I halt, yet my blood continues to spill. “Nox?”

A blush rises, inflaming her cheeks and my suspicion. “Yes, Nox,” she says softly. “He and I are…”

“Lovers,” I finish for her. “You have been for quite some time.” I clench my jaw as frustration swamps me. I’m of half a mind to force her through a portal. “I didn’t realize you still cared for him.”

“I do.” She holds my gaze, giving me the opportunity to see inside her soul as it shines through her eyes. “But I also care about you, Darius. Not all of my memories have returned, but the ones that feature you and I together, however brief, are something I treasure.”

She steps closer, and her fragrance sweeps past my senses. I inhale, pulling her essence into my lungs and letting it fill me. A serenity that I’ve only felt with her descends.

Just as my desire rises.

“You’re giving me no choice but to leave you in danger,” I say. “How can you ask that of me?”

Adelaide takes my hand. Her fingertips lightly graze my skin, leaving trails of fire in their wake. “I won’t lie and say I’m confident in my magic. However, I am confident in my ability to survive. The queen has to die. That’s the only way we’ll ever be free. And together.”

My pulse hammers in my ears and drowns out everything except the temptress in front of me. My reasons for staying away from Adelaide are null and void with her at the palace, yet I’m still hesitant to make her mine. Years of caution have embedded themselves in me so strongly that they’re hard to let go of.

But the thought of being with her the way I’ve always envisioned is enough to bring me to my knees with want.

“I’ll make you a promise,” she says. When I nod in agreement, she continues. “If things go badly here, we’ll run away together. But it has to be with the intent to return for the others in the future. Okay? I won’t leave them to suffer.”

“Agreed. Now that I know you’ll be relatively protected, I must go. We cannot afford for the queen to notice my absence.”

Adelaide’s lips form a pout and an image of her wrapping them around my cock sends a bolt of lust streaking through me. It hardens my erection to a painful degree, and I withdraw my hand from her. Turning to the sink, I pocket my dagger and run water over the wound on my palm.