I can’t handle their hatred for me.

But even more so, their pain because of me.

Soldiers stand at attention upon my entrance and passing of every room and hallway. It’s unnerving to have these people show me respect while knowing the things I’ve done. I have no doubt my sexual escapades have reached audiences far and wide.

“These are your quarters,” Darius says. “You are to present yourself in the throne room tonight, where you will answer any question the queen might pose to you concerning your disappearance. A guard will be sent to retrieve you when the time comes.”

I nod, unable to find the energy to respond.

Once I close the door behind me, I take in the room. Horror and feelings of nausea rise within me at the sight. It’s the same gold and burgundy bedroom in my memories that featured numerous lovers.

My stomach roils, and I rush to the bathroom. After being sick, I collapse on the floor with tears pricking my eyes. Given how much I’ve wept, I should be too dehydrated to cry anymore. But I do regardless.

For Lucien and his pain.

For Baxter and his anger.

For Darius and his formality.

For Nox and his leaving me.

I’m all alone. Only this time I’m in a palace instead of a mental institution.

For me, they’re one and the same.



Leaving the princess damn near killed me the first time.

Now, I hate myself for it.

If it wasn’t to keep Adelaide safe, I’d be tempted to rush back to her side and take her in my arms. It might not be enough to soothe her, but it’d damn sure comfort me.

Eventually, I find my opportunity, thanks to the queen’s ignorance of the secret passageways. They lead to and from the royal bedrooms to allow dalliances that need to remain hidden. She has no need for them since her sexual conquests are flaunted.

I pull the tiny lever just outside Adelaide’s room, and a mechanism clicks, unlocking the door just behind the painting on the wall. After ensuring there’s no one else present, I step inside, my gaze searching for the woman. She’s nowhere to be found.

With the guards just outside, it’s a risk to call her name, so I head over to the bathing chamber that’s connected to the room. Adelaide sits on the tiled floor, her cheeks stained with tears and her eyes closed.

Wearing only a towel.

“Are you all right?” I ask.

She jerks her head up, blue gaze shining with alarm. “Darius, what are you doing here?”

I place a finger to my lips. “Keep your voice down. I don’t want them to hear us. The secret passageways need to remain… well, secret.” I grin at her, pleased when her mood lightens a bit. “Why were you crying? Did someone hurt you?”

She shakes her head. “Just my past self. Although I’m sure there will be more to lament after facing my mother.”

The very thought causes unease to rush through my body. I withdraw my pocket watch and check it, the weight of the timepiece soothing me. Holding Adelaide would go further in calming my nerves, but I can’t risk touching her.

As is, I’m almost positive the queen discovered the princess’s location because of me.

“We have a few hours before you have to present yourself to her,” I say, my words hurried, fueled by my desire to see Adelaide safe. “I can create a portal for you to escape through. At least this time I’d know what happened to you. Which reminds me: I need to find out who did that the first time around. I wasn’t aware anyone else had the ability, but there isn’t a rhyme or reason when it comes to magic.”

Adelaide bites her lip. It’s due to her nervousness, but my cock doesn’t care. It hardens as I watch her full mouth, my mind creating fantasies I want to make reality.