Page 90 of The Promise of Home

‘That’s got nothing to do with it.’

She realised her mistake a second too late. She hadn’t refuted that she loved Hudson and the realisation crashed over her. Was that the reason she’d overreacted? Because when she’d had time to think about their confrontation, she realised she’d freaked out at the thought of working alongside Hudson for personal reasons—namely, her feelings for him—and had thrown his perfectly nice gesture back in his face.

He didn’t have to buy the other half of the agency. He could’ve let her buy into it, only to discover she wouldn’t be running it with Leona but some stranger. And she doubted he’d done it out of pity, because when he’d looked at her she didn’t see charity in his gaze, she saw … care. Hope. Love?


‘You sure you’re not in love with him? Because from where I’m sitting, it sure looks like it, and you’re letting your feelings cloud your judgement. Hudson’s a good guy. He’s done nothing but try to look after us since he discovered the Inverloch agency would be expanding into Acacia Haven, and he wouldn’t have done that unless he has feelings for you too.’

‘You’re wrong …’ The instant denial died on her lips. Pop was right. A go-getter businessman as successful as Hudson wouldn’t jump through hoops for anyone, yet he’d gone out of his way to cushion the blow of potentially closing down Pop’s agency and ruining her dream to own it.

Did that mean he felt the same way?

‘My advice? Go and speak to that young man and straighten things out, otherwise you’ll regret it, and life’s too short.’

‘Thanks, Pop. You always know the right thing to say.’

‘Part of the grandfather’s handbook.’

‘Did you call for a specific reason?’ She heard a heartfelt sigh and her radar immediately went on alert. ‘What’s wrong?’

The merest hesitation before he answered. ‘Nothing. But I’m aiming to hit the road in ten days so thought I’d let you know.’

‘That soon?’

‘Yeah. With you settling in Melbourne shortly, nothing holding me here.’

‘Is Heidi excited for the trip?’

A prolonged silence made the hairs on Karly’s arms rise.

‘She’s not coming.’


‘I’ll tell you when I see you. Now go sort out that mess you’ve created.’

‘Pop, I’ve got time to talk—’

‘I love you, Karlana, and we’ll talk when you get back.’

‘Okay, Pop.’

He hung up on her and she wished she could give him a hug. Something had happened between her grandfather and Heidi, nothing a dose of his own medicine—talk it out—wouldn’t fix. But for now, she had to see Hudson.

Karly smiled at Hudson’s dad as they passed at the entrance to the agency. The man looked startled for a moment, as if not many people acknowledged him, before returning her smile. She didn’t know whether to be relieved Hudson seemed to be mending fences with his dad or horrified he may be in a bad mood.

Only one way to find out.

Her heart nearly exploded when she glimpsed him swiping away tears and she would’ve left if he hadn’t looked up at that moment and caught sight of her in the doorway.

‘Sorry. Didn’t mean to intrude,’ she said. ‘I can come back later.’

‘It’s okay.’ He waved her in and as she neared his desk he stood and stepped out from behind it.

He didn’t have to say anything. She knew what he needed by his shattered expression so she hugged him. For a tall guy, he almost folded in on himself and she held him, infusing him with her warmth, hoping to convey all the words she couldn’t say through her hug.

His arms slid around her waist and he held on tight, burying his head in the crook of her shoulder, and she knew this overwhelming, clueless feeling of wanting to be there for the other person, to take away their pain, to do anything to make them happy, must be love.