Page 91 of The Promise of Home

After an eternity he straightened, and she released him. ‘Everything okay?’

‘It will be,’ he said with a sheepish smile. ‘Those tears weren’t about you treating me like dirt, by the way. In case you were wondering.’

‘Yeah, sorry for overreacting when you were doing a good thing. I’m too independent and bristly for my own good, so thanks for looking out for me and stepping in when Leona backed out of the deal.’

‘You’re welcome. Though maybe you did make me cry.’

‘A guilt trip won’t work on me.’

‘Worth a try.’ He shrugged and his smile broadened. ‘Considering you’re here, I assume you’ve come to your senses?’

‘Smugness doesn’t become you.’

‘Is that one of Jeremiah’s sayings?’

She barked out a laugh. ‘I did just talk to Pop and he’s way too logical.’

‘Your grandfather’s a good man if he talked you out of your earlier funk.’

‘He did. He also made me realise something.’

‘What’s that?’

‘We probably love each other.’

‘Is that so?’

‘Could be.’

He didn’t buy her offhand shrug for a second, reaching out to haul her back into his arms. ‘I don’t love easily. I don’t trust easily. So if you’re willing to take a chance on me, I’m all in.’

The adoration in his gaze made her want to bawl. ‘As it turns out, I’m the same. Never been in love, didn’t want to be.’ She cupped his cheek. ‘Until I met you.’

‘I take it this means you’re moving to Melbourne to be with the love of your life?’

‘I guess so. But it’s a big sacrifice. What do I get in return?’

‘This.’ He clasped her hand and pressed it to his chest, directly over his heart. ‘For as long as you want it. Hopefully forever.’

‘I like the sound of that.’

She kissed him with every ounce of love she had for this amazing man to prove it.



With the contract’s cooling-off period passed and her house sale confirmed, Heidi started the onerous task of packing. She’d already done a semi-cleanout after Bert died so it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, but boxing up a lifetime’s worth of memories made her maudlin. Or that could be the remnants of her feelings for Jem.

Over the last few days she’d alternated between hopping mad and tearily sad. She’d been willing to put her life on hold for six months, to embrace a new lifestyle, one so far out of her comfort zone it wasn’t funny. The kicker? She’d done it out of love.

Not that she was foolish enough to label her feelings for Jem as the heady, girlish ‘head over heels in love’ emotion reserved for the young. She’d never experienced it, not even with Bert. But she did love Jem in a mature ‘want to spend every moment with you because you make me happy’ way.

Pity he didn’t return the sentiment.

Their relationship had developed too quickly, and with that impotence hiccup, they hadn’t spent a lot of time together. That’s what this trip had been about, giving them a chance to see if they had a real shot at happiness and a future together.

A future he didn’t see.